Actuarial Science Club
Provides students with better understanding of the actuarial profession and careers. Promotes actuarial science in educational institutions. Assists students in preparing for the professional actuarial examinations and fosters close relationships among students in the common pursuit of an actuarial career.
Open to actuarial science majors.
President: Radhika Damle
Advisor: Sue Vagts
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American Marketing Association
Connects students with faculty and marketing professionals to deepen their marketing expertise, provides exposure to cutting-edge marketing practices and fosters a marketing community based on knowledge sharing. Actively prepares its members for success through guest speakers, national contests and competitions, and more.
Open to marketing majors.
President: Sunny Gupta
Advisor: Laura McLeod
Big Red Investment Club
Provides members with hands-on investing experience and opportunities to learn about financial modeling and equity and debt markets.
Open to all UNL majors. Prospective members should work well in teams, have familiarity with Microsoft Excel and have a great interest in financial markets.
President: Cady Williams
Advisor: Dr. Richard DeFusco
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Clifton Strengths Institute Student Advisory Board
Clifton Strengths Institute Student Advisory Board is a student organization whose purpose is to bring a strengths-based and builder mindset outside of the Clifton Strengths Institute through involvement and events that promote the spirit of entrepreneurship and strengths-based sciences to develop student strengths, business acumen, and professional development in students. The main objective is to serve as a resource for students passionate about the Clifton Strengths Institute mission to develop others’ strengths and transform the community.
Open to all UNL majors
President: Lindsay Rickers
Advisor: Alyson Lenz
Husker Venture Fund
The Husker Venture Fund is a student-led fund investing in early stage Nebraska Startups. Through a distinguished hands-on investment experience, UNL students will be able to foster relationships in the startup community, engage with Nebraska and Midwest entrepreneurial opportunities, and fund home-grown innovative ideas and solutions.
Open to all majors.
Managing Directors: Gretchen Holland, Landen Fogle, Amir Tarkian
Advisor: Dr. Sam Nelson
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International Business Club
Aims to enhance and complement topics related to international business by providing opportunities for students to work with peers, as well as an array of business professionals. Expands members’ cultural horizons through a multidisciplinary approach and reinforces essential values such as critical thinking, a strong work ethic and entrepreneurship.
Open to all UNL majors.
President: Logan Walsh
Advisors: Dr. John Kalu Osiri, Dr. Elina Ibrayeva
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National Agri-Marketing Association
Connects students to professionals in marketing, advertising, communications, sales and promotion about the various career opportunities available in agri-marketing. Develops students' managerial, leadership and presentation skills through workshops and competitions.
Open to all UNL majors interested in agri-marketing.
Advisor: Rosalee Swartz
Nebraska Supply Chain Club
Develops networking opportunities and interactions with professional organizations and facilitates student relationships with professional organizations in the supply chain industry. Serves as a forum of discussion for student affairs and concerns in the operations of the supply chain management program at the University of Nebraska.
Open to supply chain management majors.
President: Jeb Clark
Advisor: Dr. Erkut Sönmez
Society for Human Resource Management
Enables students to learn more about the HR field, network with professionals, participate in conference and competitions, and attend local and national seminars and workshops.
Open to all UNL majors.
President: Chloe Hoover
Advisor: Jenna Pieper
Sports Business Association
The Sports Business Association at UNL is dedicated to fostering the next generation of sports industry professionals by providing students with hands-on learning experiences, networking opportunities, and industry insights. We aim to bridge the gap between academics and the dynamic world of sports business through guest speakers, workshops and real-world projects.
Open to all UNL majors.
President: Jimmy Taylor,
Advisor: Chad Mardesen,
StartupsUNL serves as a campus-wide community dedicated to providing young entrepreneurs with the resources and connections to be successful. At StartupsUNL, students will get the hands-on experience needed to turn ideas into businesses.
Open to all majors.
Advisors: Dr. Sam Nelson & Dr. Andrew Hanna
Wall Street Scholars of Nebraska
The Wall Street Scholars of Nebraska is a highly focused and competitive organization for students pursuing a career on "Wall Street". Members who are accepted will partake in a finance curriculum, financial modeling workshops, national case competitions, and network with top alumni to improve their chances at breaking into investment banking, private equity or other related fields.
President: Grant Doherty
Advisor: Shane Moser