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University of Nebraska–Lincoln


Jenna  R. Pieper Photo

Jenna R. Pieper

Donald and Shirley Clifton Chair of Organizational Behavior and Associate Professor of Management
HLH 325 Y
P.O. Box 880491
Lincoln, NE 68588-0491
(402) 472-3915
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Jenna  R. Pieper Photo
  • Ph.D. in Management and Human ResourcesUniversity of Wisconsin - Madison
  • M.A. in Industrial and Organizational PsychologyUniversity of Tulsa
  • B.A. in Psychology & Business AdministrationUniversity of Nebraska at Kearney
Areas of Expertise
  • Strategic Human Resource Management
  • Compensation
  • Recruitment
  • Workplace Diversity
Research Interests
  • Strategic Human Resource Management: The purpose of my research in this area is to generate evidence for the impact of human resource management practices on organizational performance through employee behavior. In general
  • Associate Professor (2019-Current)
  • Assistant Professor (2011-2018)
CliftonStrengths ®
  • Analytical
  • Woo
  • Communication
  • Achiever
  • Maximizer

Dr. Jenna R. Pieper joined the College of Business Administration in 2012 with an area of expertise in human resource management. Her research interests focus on strategic human resource management and workplace diversity. She is published in Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Strategic Entreprenuership Journal, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, and The Academy of Management Conference's Best Paper Proceedings.

Her work has also received scholarly recognition including:

  • 2022 Best Paper Convention Award, HR Track, Southern Management Association
  • The 2020 HR Division's International Human Resource Management Research Award for the most significant article in IHRM published in recognized journals and research annuals
  • The 2017 HR Division’s Scholarly Achievement Award for the most significant article in human resource management published in recognized journals and research annuals
  • Runner-Up for the 2017 HR Division’s Best Convention Paper Award
  • Finalist for the 2016 HR Division’s Best Convention Paper Award
  • 2015 Best Paper Award, College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • The 2012 Ralph Alexander Dissertation Award, which is given to the author of the best doctoral dissertation in the field of human resource management.
Research Interests
Strategic Human Resource Management: The purpose of my research in this area is to generate evidence for the impact of human resource management practices on organizational performance through employee behavior. In general, my ongoing work targets three interrelated employee outcomes that influence organizational success: employee performance, turnover, and attitudes.

An area that I have carved out a research stream is in employee referral hiring. While a plethora of research has been devoted to understanding the value added to organizations through their employee referral programs, the research has been narrowly focused on employee referral outcomes following their hiring. In turn, my research focuses on the referrers—the referrer characteristics that shape referral hire outcomes and the impact of referral hiring on the referrers.

Workplace Diversity: Here, I am interested in studying issues around workplace diversity, such as gender and racial discrimination, and national culture differences.

Yong, K., Messersmith, J., Pieper, J. R., Baik, K., & Fu, S. (2022). High performance work systems and employee mental health: An examination of dual pathways. Human Resource Management.

Pieper, J. R., Maltarich, M. A., Nyberg, A. N., Reilly, G., & Ray, C. (2022). Collective turnover response to a unit-level shock. Journal of Applied Psychology.

Titus, V. Jr., Pieper, J. R., Welbourne, T. M., & Josefy, M. (2022) Paving the way to post initial public offering (IPO) performance: Human resource growth orientation. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 16(4), 671-698.

Schlachter, S. D., & Pieper, J. R. (2019). Employee referral hiring in organizations: An integrative conceptual review, model, and agenda for future research. Journal of Applied Psychology. 1325-1346.

Triana, M., Jayasinghe, M., Pieper, J. R., Delgado, D., & Li, M. (2019). Perceived workplace gender discrimination and employee consequences: A meta-analysis and complementary studies considering country context. Journal of Management, 45, 2419-2447.

Pieper, J. R., Trevor, C.O., Weller, I., & Duchon, D. (2019). Referral hire presence implications for referrer turnover and job performance. Journal of Management, 45, 1858-1888.

Pieper, J. R., Greenwald, J. M., & Schlachter, S. D. (2018). Motivating employee referrals: The interactive effects of the referral bonus, perceived risk in referring, and affective commitment. Human Resource Management, 57, 1159-1174.

Schlachter, S., & Pieper, J. R. (2017) Employee referral hiring in organizations: An integrative review and process model. Proceedings of the Seventy-seventh Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Online ISSN: 2151-6561.

Nyberg, A. J., Pieper, J. R., & Trevor, C. O. (2016). Pay-for-performance’s effect on future employee performance:  Integrating psychological and economic principles toward a contingency perspective. Journal of Management, 42, 1753-1783.

Titus, V. Jr., Pieper, J. R., & Welbourne, T. M(2016). Paving the way to post initial public offering (IPO) performance: Human resource growth orientation. Proceedings of the Seventy-sixth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Online ISSN: 2151-6561.

Pieper, J. R. (2015). Uncovering the Nuances of Referral Hiring: How Referrer Characteristics Affect Referral Hires’ Performance and Likelihood of Voluntary Turnover. Personnel Psychology, 68, 811-858.  

Triana, M., Jayasinghe, M., & Pieper, J. R. (2015). Perceived workplace racial discrimination and its correlates: A meta-analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36, 491-513.

Richard, O, Roh, H., & Pieper, J. R. (2013). The link between diversity and equality management practice bundles and racial diversity in the managerial ranks: Does firm size matter? Human Resource Management, 52, 215-242.
Oh, K., Pieper, J. R., & Gerhart, B. (2010). Comparing the predictive power of national cultural distance measures: Hofstede versus Project GLOBE. Best Paper Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CD), ISSN 1543-8643.

Tett, R. P., Fitzke (Pieper), J. R., Wadlington, P. L., Davies, S. A., Anderson, M. G., & Foster, J. (2009). The utility of personality test norms: Effects of sample size and sample representativeness. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82, 639-659.

Book Chapters

Triana, M., Pieper, J. R., Jayasinghe, M., & Delgado, D. Racial/Ethnic discrimination in U.S. workplaces. (2012) In M. Paludi (Ed.), Women and Careers in Management Series. Vol. 1:  Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation, Ethnicity and Power. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Teaching Interests

Courses: Strategic Human Resource Management; Compensation
Level: Undergraduate; MBA; Executive Education, Ph.D.
Format: On-campus; Online

Teaching Experience

Seminar in Human Resource Management (Ph.D.)
Executive Power Lunch Series & Governor's Leadership Academy (Executive education)
Compensation Administration (Undergraduate & Online MBA)
Strategic Human Resource Management (Online MBA Program)
Introduction to Human Resource Management (Undergraduate)
Strategic Human Resource Management (Undergraduate)
Organizational Behavior (Undergraduate)

Teaching/Professional Development Activities

Harvard Business School Publishing, Teaching with Cases Online: A Web-Based Seminar (October 2018)
Gallup Accelerated Strengths Coaching, Participant (November 2017); Certified (July 2018)
Harvard Business School Publishing, Case Method Teaching Seminar Part I (August 2014)
UNL’s Summer Institute for Online Teaching, Participant (May-June 2014)
CIBER Faculty Development Workshop, Strategies for Teaching International Negotiation (June 2009)


Editorial Review Board, Human Resource Management Review (2022-present)
Editorial Review Board, Human Resource Management (2019-present)
Editorial Review Board, Journal of Management (2017–present)
Editorial Review Board, Personnel Psychology (2017–present)
Editorial Review Board, The Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies (2012–present)
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Academy of Management Journal (2018-Present)
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Applied Psychology: An International Review (2016-Present)
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Human Performance (2010-Present)
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Human Relations (2018 – Present)
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Human Resource Management (2013-Present)
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Human Resource Management Journal (2018-Present)
Ad Hoc Reviewer, International Journal of Human Resource Management (2019 – Present)
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Applied Psychology, (2021 – Present)
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Management (2015-2017)
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Management Studies (2021 – Present)
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Organization Science (2018 – Present)
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Personnel Psychology (2016-2017)
Reviewer, Academy of Management Meetings (2006-Present)


HR Division Executive Committee, Member (2020-present)
     Late-Stage Doctoral Consortium, Committee Member (2021), Co-Chair (2022)
     Division Awards, Committee Member (2021), Chair (2022, 2023)
Strategic Human Capital Committee, Strategic Management Society (2020-2022)
Scientific Committee, 3rd HR Division International Conference (2018)
Scholarly Achievement Award Committee, HR Division, Co-Chair (2018)
HR Division Executive Committee, Treasurer (2016-2020)
Annual Academy of Management Meeting
     HR Division Research Networking Roundtable, Facilitator (2018-2023)
     HR Division Mid-Stage Doctoral Consortium, Panel Speaker (2018, 2019)
     Session Chair, HR division (2015, 2018)
     Session Chair, SMS Conference (2021)
     Discussion Coach for OB Division Discussion Paper Sessions (2012)
     Reviewer, HR and OB Divisions (2006-current)
International Human Resource Management Scholarly Award Committee, Chair (2013)
Participant: HR Division Junior Faculty Consortium at the Academy of Management (2012 & 2014)
Academy of Management New Member Mentor (2012, 2013, 2014)
Participant: HR Division Doctoral Consortium at the Academy of Management (2010)


Department of Management Advisory Board, Faculty Member and Coordinator (Fall 2021-Current)
Department of Management P&T Committee, Chair (Fall 2021-Current)
SHRM Student Chapter Advisor (August 2020-current)
College of Business PHD Committee (May 2019-May 2020; Fall 2022)
Department of Management PHD Coordinator (May 2019-May 2020; Interim Fall 2022)
Department of Management’s PHD Committee (Fall 2018-Current)
MBA Committee (July 2018-May 2019, Fall 2021; Spring 2022)
College of Business Dean’s Search Committee (2017)
Department of Management Faculty Search Committee (2014-2015, 2016-2017, 2018-2019, Co-Chair 2019-2020)
College of Business Scholarship, Honors, and Awards Committee (2015-Jan 2019; Chair 2016, 2017)
Take-a-Parent to Lunch, New Student Enrollment (Summer 2015, 2016)
College of Business Administration Classroom Building Sub-Committee (2014-2017)
Coordinator for Management Department’s Recruitment at the annual AOM Meeting (2014, 2015, 2016)
Rural Futures Institute Internship Faculty Mentor for Amanda Burau, MBA student (Summer 2014)
Department of Management Committee as a Whole, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2012-current)

Current Graduate Thesis/Dissertation Committees

Committee Member: Sonya Atkinson, doctoral student in Educational Studies

Prior Graduate Thesis/Dissertation Committees

Committee Member: Haolin Fu, doctoral candidate in Management (Graduated August 2021)
Committee Member: Jono Anzalone, doctoral candidate in Educational Studies (Graduated May 2020)
Committee Member: Minerva Tuliao, doctoral candidate in Educational Studies (Graduated August 2018)
Co-Chair: Steven Schlachter, doctoral candidate in Management (Graduated May 2018)
     Dissertation Defense Date: April 11, 2018
     Placement:  University of Central Arkansas, Fall 2018
Committee Member: Yichun Cao, doctoral candidate in Educational Psychology (Graduated May 2015)

  • David P. Lepak Service Award, HR Division, Academy of Management (2019)
  • Faculty Service Award, College of Business, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2018)
  • Scholarly Achievement Award, HR Division, Academy of Management (2017)
  • Best Convention Paper Award, Runner-Up, HR Division, Academy of Management (2017)
  • Paper Development Workshop, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (February 5-17, 2017)
  • Best Paper Award, College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2015)
  • Nomination for Emerging Scholar in Employee Participation and Ownership, HR Division (2015)
  • Nomination for College Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2013, 2014)
  • UNL Laymen Seed Award - $10,000 (2013-2014)
  • Ralph Alexander Dissertation Award, HR Division, Academy of Management (2012)
  • Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship (Fall 2010 – Spring 2011)
  • Ph.D. Research Competition Selection Committee Grant (2010)
  • CIBER Grant to attend Faculty Development Workshop (2009)
  • Best Reviewer Award, OB Division, Academy of Management Annual Meetings (2007, 08, 11)