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University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Teaching and Learning Center

Free Tutoring Resources Available to all Business Students!

The Teaching and Learning Center provides free tutoring appointments and course review sessions to students within the College of Business throughout the academic year. Tutoring is also provided virtually during summer sessions. Whether simply staying on top of your weekly course material or preparing for a big exam, we are here to help!
To schedule an appointment or learn what is offered for your course, visit our tutoring schedule.

View our Tutoring Schedule

Tutoring Resources

Request a Tutor

Not able to find a tutor for your course needs on the regular tutoring schedule? Complete this form to share how we can help!

Request a Tutor

Apply to be a Tutor!

Interested in joining the TLC team as a tutor or Learning Assistant? Complete the application and we will be in touch.

Apply to be a Tutor
Teaching and Learning Center Events

Meet Our Team

Allgood, Sam
Faculty Director of the Teaching and Learning Center and Edwin J. Faulkner Professor of Economics
HLH 525 V
Linde, Kasey
Director of Teaching, Learning and Accreditation
HLH 014
Hull, Rose
Associate Director of the Teaching and Learning Center
HLH 014 C
Almazan, Clarisa
Instructional Designer for the Teaching and Learning Center
HLH 014 B
Manley, Zach
Instructional Designer
HLH 102 A

Meet Our Tutors

Barraza, Carolina
Accounting Tutor
HLH 014
Damle, Radhika
Marketing Learning Assistant
HLH 014
DeyErmand, Logan
Economics and Marketing Tutor
HLH 014
Hibbs, Blake
Economics Tutor
HLH 014
Huss, Derek
Economics Learning Assistant
HLH 014
Khalaf, Lenda
Marketing Learning Assistant
HLH 014
Kroeger, Lauren
Accounting Tutor
HLH 014
Le, Huy
Economics Tutor
HLH 014
Liong, Esther
Supply Chain Tutor and Marketing Learning Assistant
HLH 014
Maina, Natasha
Economics Tutor
HLH 014
Picchiotti, Emily
Accounting Tutor
HLH 014
Rouhi, Shagaye
Marketing Learning Assistant
HLH 014
Zamarripa, Jaime
Accounting Tutor
HLH 014


Hull, Rose
Associate Director of the Teaching and Learning Center
HLH 014 C
P.O. Box 880405
Lincoln, NE 68588-0405