Published Works
Williams, L.J., Hanna, A.A., & Smith, T.A. Accepted 2025. Methods and theory for parceling in management research: An overview and guide for improved analyses. Journal of Management, awaiting D.O.I.
Moore, O.A., Susskind, A.M., Margolin, D., & Hanna, A.A. 2024. A resource-acquisition perspective: Examining the effects of downsizing on work-related relationships and performance. Group & Organization Management,
Gardner, W.L., Hanna, A.A., Cogliser, C.C., & Noghani, F. 2024. Leadership emergence: Answering the “how” and “why” questions by considering levels of analysis and forms of emergence. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology & Organizational Behavior, 11(1), 139-164.
Williams, L.J. & Hanna, A.A. 2023. Exploratory/confirmatory factor analysis and scale development. In L.R. Ford & T.A. Scandura (Eds.), SAGE Handbook of Survey Development and Application. SAGE Publishing Ltd.
Mistry, S., Kirkman, B.L., Moore, O.A., Hanna, A.A., & Rapp, T.L. 2023. Too many teams? Examining the impact of multiple team memberships and permanent team identification on employees’ identity strain, cognitive depletion, and turnover. Personnel Psychology, 76(3), 885-912.
Griffin, R.W., Hanna, A.A., Smith, T.A., & Kirkman, B.L. 2022. How bad leaders impact organizational effectiveness. In D. Lusk & T. Hayes (Eds.), SIOP Professional Practice Series: The Good, the Bad, and the Human Dark Side at Work. Oxford University Press.
Oluwasina, D., Scutchfeld, E., Hanna, A.A., Leedom, S., & Ndejuru, T. 2022. The Entrepreneurship Program Design and Resource Toolkit: A Blueprint for Expanding Entrepreneurship Education in Central Africa. Published with support from the Rwandan Institute for Conservation Agriculture (RICA).
Hanna, A.A., Smith, T.A., Kirkman, B.L., & Griffin, R.W. 2021. The emergence of emergent leadership: A comprehensive framework and directions for future research. Journal of Management, 47(1), 76-104.
Refereed Presentations
Hanna, A.A., & Neely, B. “Beyond short-term impressions: Construed temporal distance, trustworthiness, and leader emergence.” Paper presented for the Organizational Behavior Division at the 84th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Chicago, IL, August 2024.
Battle, C., Silvera, G., Newbert, S.L., Hanna, A.A., & Huerta, T. “Deciphering the relationships of co-creation: Author, reviewer, and editor roles in peer reviews.” Workshop presented for the Health Care Management Division at the 84th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Chicago, IL, August 2024.
Clayton, E., Hanna, A.A., Smith, A.R., Medaugh, M.R. & Caudill, L. “Innovation in experiential learning: Preparing students for a dynamic work environment.” Symposium presented for the Management Education and Development Division at the 84th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Chicago, IL, August 2024.
Borgholthaus, C.J., Smith, T.A., & Hanna, A.A. “Performance feedback and corporate risk-taking: The moderating effects of CEO personality. Paper presented for the Strategy Division at the 83rd Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Boston, MA, August 2023.
Hanna, A.A., Williams, L.J., Bliese, P., Shurer Lambert, L., Vandenberg, R.J., DeSimone, J.A., & Albritton, E. “We need to chat: Discussing the ramifications of ChatGPT for methodological research.” Symposium presented for the Research Methods and Communication, Digital Technology, and Organization Divisions at the 83rd Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Boston, MA, August 2023.
Hanna, A.A., & Nelson, S.A. “The entrepreneurial hat trick: A winning strategy for entrepreneurial education.” Workshop presented for the Entrepreneurship Teaching and Learning Division at the 2023 Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers in Dallas, TX, October 2023.
Liu, B., & Hanna, A.A. “Burgeoning research in emergent leadership.” Symposium presented for the Organizational Behavior Division at the 82nd Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Seattle, WA, August 2022.
Moore, O.A., Rapp, T.L., Mistry, S., & Hanna, A.A. “Employee experiences across their multiple team memberships: New theoretical directions in MTM research.” Symposium presented for the Organizational Behavior Divison at the 82nd Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Seattle, WA, August 2022.
Hanna, A.A., & Williams, L.J. “Recent advancements in measurement research.” Symposium presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Seattle, WA, April 2022.
Borgholthaus, C.J., Hanna, A.A., & Lee, E.Y. “Performance feedback and corporate risk-taking: The moderating effects of CEO personality.” Paper presented for the Strategic Management Track at the Meeting of the Southern Management Association in New Orleans, LA, November 2021.
Hanna, A.A. “The impression management-emergent leadership relationship: The mediating role of trustworthiness.” Paper presented for the Organizational Behavior Division at the 81st Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Philadelphia, PA, August 2021.
Mbaraonye, I., Hanna, A.A., & Titus Jr., V.K. “What about my family? The role of negative family feedback in entrepreneurial opportunity evaluation.” Paper presented for the Entrepreneurship Division at the 81st Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Philadelphia, PA, August 2021.
Smith, T.A., Hanna, A.A., & Zhang, P. “Beneficial effects of empowering leadership on leaders.” Symposium presented for the Organizational Behavior Division at the 79th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Boston, MA, August 2019.
Hanna, A.A., Williams, L.J., & Smith, T.A. “Homogeneous vs. heterogeneous parcels with multidimensional constructs.” Symposium presented for the Research Methods Division at the 79th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Boston, MA, August 2019.
Hanna, A.A., Smith, T.A., Courtright, S.H., & Zhang, P. “Empowering leadership: Antecedents, moderators, and consequences.” Symposium presented for the Organizational Behavior Division at the 78th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Chicago, IL, August 2018.
Hanna, A.A., Williams, L.J., & Smith, T.A. “A comparison of latent variable approaches with multidimensional constructs.” Paper presented for the Research Methods Division at the 78th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Chicago, IL, August 2018.
Mistry, S., Kirkman, B.L., Hanna, A.A., & Moore, O.A. “A multilevel approach to multiple team membership.” Symposium presented for the Organizational Behavior Division at the 78th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Chicago, IL, August 2018.
Hanna, A.A., & Williams, L.J. “Current issues in judging SEM model fit.” Symposium presented for the Research Methods Division at the 77th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management in Atlanta, GA, August 2017.
Invited Presentations
Pickering, J.R., Shurer Lambert, L., Hanna, A.A., Williams, L.J., et al. 2023. “Ask the experts: Survey development and application.” Panelist at the Ask the Experts panel at the Meeting of the Southern Management Association in St. Petersburgh Beach, FL, October 2023.
Hanna, A.A. 2023. “Identifying and encouraging informal leaders in the workplace: Insights from leadership emergence research.” Development workshop conducted at Boys Town National Research Hospital in Omaha, NE, March 2023.
Hanna, A.A. 2022. “Navigating career decisions in academia.” Panelist at the Late Stage Doctoral Consortium at the Meeting of the Southern Management Association in Little Rock, AR, October 2022.
Williams, L.J., & Hanna, A.A. 2022. “The use of parcels with multidimensional latent variables.” Symposium presentation for the 2022 Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology Annual Conference in Seattle, WA, April 2022.
Hanna, A.A. 2021. “Born this way: Understanding the entrepreneur as an individual.” Paper session chair presented for the Meeting of the Southern Management Association in New Orleans, LA, November 2021.
Hanna, A.A., & Williams, L.J. 2021. “An introduction to factor analysis and scale design.” Professional development workshop presented for the Meeting of the Southern Management Association in New Orleans, LA, November 2021.
Means, T., & Hanna, A.A. 2021. “Teaching entrepreneurship during a pandemic.” Presentation for the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE), June 2021.
Hanna, A.A., & Williams, L.J. 2018. “Measurement models for latent variables in organizational research.” Professional development workshop presented for the Meeting of the Southern Management Association in Lexington, KY, November 2018.
Williams, L.J., & Hanna, A.A. 2017. “Special topics in SEM: Parcels, method variance, and model fit.” Professional development workshop for the Meeting of the Southern Management Association in St. Petersburgh Beach, FL, October 2017.