Waging a Global Trade War Alone: The Cost of Blanket Tariffs on Friend and Foe
Journal(s): Yeutter Institute International Trade Policy Review
Published: October 2, 2024
We use an advanced model of the global economy to consider a set of scenarios consistent with the proposal to impose a minimum 60% tariff against Chinese imports and blanket minimum 10% tariff against all other US imports. The basis for the tariff rates is a proposal from former President Elect Donald Trump. Our central finding is that a global trade war between the United States and the rest of the world at these tariff rates would cost the US economy over $910 billion.
Empirical Framework for Cournot Oligopoly With Private Information
Journal(s): RAND Journal of Economics
Published: October 1, 2024
This research introduces a methodological framework for analyzing strategic interactions in oligopoly settings where firms have private information on costs, further enhancing our understanding of competition and market behavior. The developed framework was applied to the crude-oil market, demonstrating its practical relevance.
Estimating the Role of Uninsured in the Spread of COVID-19 via Geospatial Bayesian Models
Journal(s): North American Actuarial Journal
Published: August 30, 2024
Role of vaccination status, socioeconomic status including insurance, and geographic location, on the geospatial spread of COVID-19 pandemic are estimated using geospatial modeling techniques. Results show that the percentage of the senior population, the vaccination rate and the uninsured percentage are the most important variables for predicting infection rates and the fatality rates, while the overall social vulnerability index has a huge impact on mortality rates and infection rates.
Network Centrality and Firm Performance: A Meta-Analysis
Journal(s): Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Published: August 15, 2024
This meta-analysis investigates how a company's network relationships, like those with partners and suppliers, influence its success. While strong network positions generally improve performance, their impact is multifaceted. Key factors include the type of network, market dynamics (size and competition), company priorities (e.g., customer focus), and performance metrics (e.g., profits, innovation).
The Bright Side of Political Uncertainty: The Case of R&D
Journal(s): Review of Financial Studies
Published: May 24, 2024
In contrast to previous research documenting negative effects of political and policy uncertainty, we show that uncertainty has a bright side. It motivates companies to increase their investment in research in development. This is due to the growth option effect - investing in more R&D now gives firms the option to invest even more in the future if the uncertainty resolution is favorable. Additional results support our conjecture. We find that firms that are more politically sensitive and operate in high-tech industries are more likely to benefit from this growth option effect.
Estimation and Inference of Seller’s Expected Revenue in First-price Auctions
Journal(s): Journal of Econometrics
Published: April 17, 2024
This paper develops novel econometric techniques to estimate and conduct inference on a seller’s expected revenue in first-price auctions, one of the most popular auction format used in practice, providing valuable tools for auction design and policy evaluation.
Supervisor Integrity Empowers Employees to Advocate for Diversity in Problematic Climates
Journal(s): Journal of Applied Psychology
Published: December 11, 2023
Fostering inclusion in the workplace can be challenging, but we find that the key might be having supervisors who act with integrity. In three complementary studies, we find that employees hesitate to advocate for diversity due to not feeling empowered. Our research reveals that when supervisors act with integrity, employees feel more empowered to step up and champion diversity, especially in problematic climates.
A Taxonomy of Marketing Organizations
Journal(s): Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Published: December 16, 2022
This research uncovers three distinct types of marketing organizations, challenging the common debate about their role. While some believe marketers control all marketing decisions, others see them as simply promoting work done by other departments. The authors reveals three categories: Growth Champions (17%), which actively drive business growth, aligning with the traditional view of marketing's influence; Service Providers (43%), primarily focused on supporting other departments, reflecting a more limited scope for marketing; and Marcom Leaders (40%), which excel at branding and communication, shaping the company's image.
Collective Turnover Response Over Time to a Unit-Level Shock
Journal(s): Journal of Applied Psychology
Published: December 1, 2022
This work examines how a shock that affects an entire unit influences the pattern of collective turnover. It introduces the importance of accounting for a potential delay in the turnover response and a disruption phase characterized by abnormal turnover, and it studies how the pattern of collective turnover changes because of characteristics of the shock and its context.
The Impact of COVID-19 and Associated Policy Responses on Global Food Security
Journal(s): Agricultural Economics
Published: November 4, 2022
This research considers the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated government policies on the global trading system and its ability to deliver food to impoverished people. Income and price shocks are considered as they impact the ability of low-income households to acquire food. We estimate the impact of the pandemic on food security in 80 countries. We find increased food insecurity predominantly driven by income rather than price shocks.
Gender and the Dismal Science: Women in the Early Years of the Economics Profession
Journal(s): Columbia University Press
Published: July 5, 2022
Gender and the Dismal Science examines the role of women in the economics profession from the late nineteenth century to the postwar period. Drawing on material from the AEA archives and novel data sets, she exposes the challenges that women faced in the early years of the discipline -- revealing the historical roots of the homogeneity of economics and shedding light on why biases against women persist today.
Market Positioning in Food Industry in Response to Public Health Policies
Journal(s): Production and Operations Management
Published: April 20, 2022
Obesity, a major health concern in the United States, has driven some consumers to become more health conscious and led to several public policy interventions affecting consumer trends, the food supply and marketing. At the University of Nebraska–Lincoln,
Özgür Araz, Ron and Carol Cope professor of supply chain management and analytics, and
S. Sajeesh, Nathan J Gold Distinguished Professor of Marketing and associate professor of marketing, recently collaborated to publish interdisciplinary research which examines how food-producing firms should respond and adapt to the evolving consumer trends and policies.
The Double-Edged Sword of Leadership Task Transitions in Emergency Response Multiteam Systems
Journal(s): Academy of Management Journal
Published: September 13, 2021
The phrase “stay in your lane” is commonly used to affirm the importance of doing your assigned tasks and only your assigned tasks. If you see an important task that needs to be done that isn’t your responsibility, should you do it? Before you decide whether to switch lanes, consider the authors’ research, based on observations and recordings of first responders completing mass-casualty incident simulations.
Ancillary Cost Implications Of Physicians Multisiting And Inter-Organizational Collaboration During Healthcare Delivery
Journal(s): Production and Operations Management
Published: September 4, 2021
Yingchao Lan, associate professor of supply chain management and analytics, and her co-authors explored the use of multisiting physicians, who practice at more than one hospital, and their impact in reducing costs, such as lab-based diagnostics, radiology-based imaging procedures and prescriptions. Their findings indicated considerable savings passed onto patients, some as high as $9,348 per hospital visit.
Lifting the Veil: The Price Formation of Corporate Bond Offerings
Journal(s): Journal of Financial Economics
Published: June 30, 2021
Dr. Liying Wang, assistant professor of finance at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln College of Business, examines how the corporate bond offering price evolves in the primary market, where securities are created, before underwriters, who determine risk levels on transactions, allocate the bonds to investors. While a popular view is that corporate bonds are easy to price so that underwriters know all information they need, her research suggests this is not the case.
Does Information about Gender Pay Matter to Investors? An Experimental Investigation
Journal(s): Accounting, Organizations and Society
Published: April 1, 2021
CoB Author(s): Ling L. Harris
Gender pay information affects retail investors’ perceived fairness of a company’s compensation policies, which leads investors to anticipate economic consequences to the company. Retail investors are more willing to invest in a company with gender pay equity and retail investors do not appear to punish a company that disclose a typical gender pay gap. Moreover, retail investors attribute about half of the actual U.S. pay gap to gender discrimination.
Impact of Organizational Structure on Development Strategy under Equity-Based Incentives
Journal(s): Production and Operations Management
Published: April 1, 2021
CoB Author(s): Jennifer K. Ryan
When a start-up relies on external vendors to perform key tasks for product development, the company must design incentives to motivate the vendors. The organizational structure of the start-up affects the choice between sequential and concurrent development and plays a major role in determining the optimal development strategy. In a centralized setting, where all work is performed in-house, the sequential development strategy is preferred.
An Analytic Framework for Effective Public Health Program Design Using Correctional Facilities
Journal(s): Informs Journal on Computing
Published: March 12, 2021
CoB Author(s): Özgür M. Araz
Public correctional facilities play an important role in operational execution of several public health programs, including screening and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. However, because of lack of capacity and resources, public health programs using correctional facilities are questioned by policy-makers in terms of their costs and benefits.
Recruiting Dark Personalities for Earnings Management
Journal(s): Journal of Business Ethics
Published: March 2, 2021
CoB Author(s): Ling Lin Harris
Some companies may intentionally hire managers with “dark personality traits” that are associated with unethical or questionable tendencies. In certain situations where an organization needs to report earnings aggressively, companies may seek to hire candidates who exhibit these dark personality traits over those who have a stronger ethical foundation and may be better qualified for the position.
Product Line Flexibility for Agile and Adaptable Operations
Journal(s): Production and Operations Management
Published: March 1, 2021
CoB Author(s): Jennifer K. Ryan
How can a firm can use its product mix, capacity allocation and pricing to respond to uncertainty and variation in economic conditions and consumer purchasing behavior? Firms sell multiple products typically face a trade-off. On the one hand, the products compete for the demand, as well as for the firm’s limited production capacity.
Do the Hustle! Empowerment from Side-Hustles and Its Effects on Full-Time Work Performance
Journal(s): Academy of Management
Published: February 18, 2021
CoB Author(s): Amy L. Bartels
Side-hustles, income-generating work done outside of full-time jobs, can empower employees and enrich performance in their main careers. Dr. Amy Bartels, assistant professor of management, examines the positive effects of having a side-hustle and its influence on work performance in full-time jobs.
With a Frown or a Smile: How Leader Affective States Spark the Leader-Follower Reciprocal Exchange Process
Journal(s): Personnel Psychology
Published: February 5, 2021
Amy Bartels, associate professor of management, and her co-authors walk through the powerful role emotions play in the dynamic of the leadership-follower relationship through daily interactions. Displays of emotion from a leader can ripple throughout an organization and influence follower performance, the relationship between a leader and follower, and the leader’s behavior.
Prep School for Poor Kids: The Long-Run Impacts of Head Start on Human Capital and Economic Self-Sufficiency
Journal(s): National Bureau of Economic Research
Published: December 16, 2020
CoB Author(s): Brenden D. Timpe
Children who receive education from Head Start, a federally-funded preschool program for disadvantaged kids that prepares them for success in elementary school, find improved chances of having financial independence in adulthood. Research also shows this greatly decreases the odds that those children require public assistance from federal programs, ultimately generating revenue, rather than costs, for the government.
Do Debt Investors Adjust Financial Statement Ratios When Financial Statements Fail to Reflect Economic Substance?
Journal(s): Contemporary Accounting Research
Published: October 13, 2020
CoB Author(s): Jimmy F. Downes
Although cash flow hedge derivative transactions have become common practice for corporations wanting to mitigate risk, adjusting financial statements to account for them often confuses investors. Dr. Jimmy Downes, associate professor of accountancy, published an article recently to help provide a full picture of financial statement adjustments needed when considering hedge derivatives.
Responsible Sourcing under Asymmetric Information: Price Signaling versus Supplier Disclosure
Journal(s): Decision Sciences
Published: October 1, 2020
CoB Author(s): Jennifer K. Ryan
Given the growing number of socially conscious consumers, firms are increasingly concerned with sourcing from responsible suppliers. However, a firm’s suppliers are not always apparent to consumers. Therefore, we investigate two methods, price signaling and disclosure, which a firm can use to communicate its supplier selection to consumers. Motivated by the observation that some firms have begun to disclose their supplier information, including publishing lists of their suppliers, we consider a setting in which the firm may voluntarily disclose that information, but at a cost.
Role of Analytics for Operational Risk Management in the Era of Big Data
Journal(s): Decision Sciences
Published: June 1, 2020
CoB Author(s): Özgür M. Araz, David L. Olson
Schools close, elderly populations isolate and businesses shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Özgür Araz, associate professor of supply chain management and analytics, believes decisions imposed to change the way we live in the short-term stem from critical research analysis now in the hands of government and health care providers.
A Framework for Analyzing the U.S. Coin Supply Chain
Journal(s): Production and Operations Management
Published: January 27, 2020
CoB Author(s): Yunxia Zhu
Everyone knows the frustration of not having the right change to complete a purchase. Dr. Yunxia (Peter) Zhu, assistant professor of supply chain management and analytics, believes his research exploring the supply chain of currency may contain solutions to a situation made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic.
How do Managers React to a Peer’s Situation? The Influence of Environmental Similarity on Budgetary Reporting
Journal(s): Management Accounting Research
Published: September 1, 2019
CoB Author(s): Todd A. Thornock
Dr. Todd Thornock, assistant professor of accountancy, investigates how only the knowledge of peer managers’ environments, without knowing peer actions, affects managerial behavior. Utilizing a two-part experiment in a participative budgetary reporting setting, Thornock and his co-author show managers project their decision-making process onto peer managers who share similarities in role and reporting environment.
Does Eviction Cause Poverty? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Cook County, IL
Journal(s): Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 2186
Published: July 21, 2019
CoB Author(s): Daniel Tannenbaum
While eviction has its negative effects on a person, research shows the extent of its consequences are minimal compared to the financial strain experienced years leading up to the eviction. Alongside that, the study showed minor impact from evictions on debt in collections, residential mobility or neighborhood poverty.
The Effect of Voluntary Clawback Adoptions on Corporate Tax Policy
Journal(s): The Accounting Review
Published: July 1, 2019
CoB Author(s): Thomas R. Kubick, Thomas C. Omer
Policies in place to retrieve money from executives who profited from financial misconduct, known as clawbacks, show a variance in levels of adoption by corporations. Research indicates that some organizations who have adopted these clawback policies shifted their strategies to decrease tax revenue, while other organizations showed hesitancy to adopt the policies due to lack of guidance from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Marketing Channel Management by Multinational Corporations in Foreign Markets
Journal(s): Journal of Marketing
Published: July 1, 2018
CoB Author(s): Alok Kumar, Amit Saini
Dr. Alok Kumar, associate professor of marketing and W. W. Marshall College Professor, explores the existing literature on American multinational corporations (MNCs) within marketing. Although MNCs represent a common and complex organizational form, there is little research devoted to channel management from an MNC perspective. Aiming to address this gap, Kumar and his co-authors, including Dr. Amit Saini, professor of marketing and W. W. Marshall College Professor at Nebraska, propose an organizing framework to spur and guide further research.
Vote Avoidance and Shareholder Voting in Mergers and Acquisitions
Journal(s): The Review of Financial Studies
Published: June 8, 2018
CoB Author(s): Julie Wu
Dr. Julie Wu, assistant professor of finance, investigates the function of acquirer shareholder voting during mergers and acquisitions. This study shows acquirers with low institutional ownership, high deal risk and high agency costs are more likely to bypass shareholder voting, leading to lower announcement returns and higher offers.
Do Formal Contracts and Relational Governance Function as Substitutes or Complements?
Journal(s): Strategic Management Journal
Published: May 1, 2002
CoB Author(s): Laura Poppo
Using survey data, Dr. Laura Poppo, professor of management and Donald and Shirley Clifton Chair in Leadership, and her co-author demonstrate the necessity of both, as contracts create transparency and formalize expectations and processes. Yet, because contracts are incomplete, trust and norms such as sharing information and a collaborative working relationship are imperative.