Dr. Amy Bartels earned her Ph.D. in Management from the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. Her research interests include the leadership and team dynamics across levels of analysis and the impact of stress and well-being within the workplace.
Graduate Courses
Organizational Behavior Seminar (MNGT 960) - Human behavior within organizations. Research findings and the contributions of behavioral science.
Applied Organizational Behavior (GRBA 814) - The overall objective of this course is to improve the skills you need to become a more effective manager. Organizational Behavior, commonly referred to as “OB”, is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and managing people in the workplace. The three basic levels of analysis in OB are individual, group, and organization. To be an effective manager, it is essential that you have practical knowledge that spans all three levels of organizational behavior.
Undergraduate Courses
Foundations of Organizational Behavior (MNGT 360) - This course provides the basic knowledge for managing people in organizations by surveying frameworks for individual, group, and system behaviors. The course builds critical thinking skills by examining the role of perception, personality and attitudes, motivation, leadership, group dynamics, employee engagement, organizational culture, communication and decision making in the management of work.