The inaugural webcast of the Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA) at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln College of Business Administration required months of collaboration from CBA Information Technology Services team members. Since early spring, the team worked behind the scenes to install and administrate the technology making the first presentation possible. CARMA provides university faculty, graduate students, and other researchers across the world access to advanced training in research methods and data analysis.
ITS staff worked with Dr. Larry Williams, director of CARMA, to transition the operations from the University of North Dakota, where Williams worked before moving to Lincoln earlier this year. David Hartline, director of ITS and facilities operations, believes the new partnership has gotten off to a tremendous start.
Podany, Williams and Sherrill are all smiles after first CARMA webcast in Nebraska
“It was exciting to be part of a project creating such an impact and opportunity for CBA,” said Hartline. “The CARMA program lets us collaborate across UNL and other institutions who tune in from around the world.”
Hartline worked with Williams, ITS staff and members of the Communications, Marketing and External Relations team to transition the webcast technology and other web development needs which allow up to 169 participating universities to watch worldwide. Dr. Herman Aguinis of the George Washington University School of Business, gave the inaugural presentation, titled “Moderation and Management.”
“This project involved collaboration ranging from working with North Dakota to get background information and devise a transitional plan, to Greg Cartsens and his colleagues at UNL ITS installing hardware, to working within CBA ITS to configure a solution that was novel to UNL. It is a tremendous example of working together to accomplish something significant for Nebraska and the world,” said Hartline.
Hartline singled out James Fairchild, web developer and designer, and Roger Simonsen, IT director of Communications, Marketing and External Relations, for their work designing the new website and creating a secure video system, Jeff Sherrill, assistant director for information technology, training and infrastructure, for procuring and integrating the video streaming technology and Davis Podany, new media and digital assessment coordinator, for installing and administering the streaming solution and formulating plans for future webcasts.
Sherrill, assistant director for information technology, training and infrastructure, credited the assistance of everyone working on the project, including Nasser Hammami, Brandon Thor and Mario Borboa from North Dakota.
“They were very knowledgeable,” said Sherrill. “Their expertise provided us the support needed to make the first webcast a success.”
Published: October 17, 2016