Jill Trucke joined the University of Nebraska–Lincoln College of Business Administration in 2014. Trucke teaches a variety of classes including Advanced Accounting Information Systems, Accounting for Business Decisions and Using Accounting Information.
Trucke graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with her Masters of Professional Accountancy in May 2000. She also passed the CPA exam that same month. Upon graduation she started her career as an auditor for Deloitte & Touche. Over her fourteen years at Deloitte & Touche she audited private and public companies in many different industries. She specialized in broker dealers and employee benefit plans.
Undergraduate Courses
Accounting Information Systems (ACCT 409) -Identify, document, evaluate, and suggest improvements to accounting information systems (AIS). Focus on impact of new technology on business transactions in an AIS, and how the information system influences and supports business decisions.
Using Accounting Information (ACCT 301) -This course is designed to introduce non-accounting majors to the basics of using accounting information. The course covers the practical relationships between business decisions and the financial statements, including forecasting, investment decisions, and tax effects.
Accounting for Business Decisions (ACCT 200) - Introduction to financial and managerial accounting concepts to students who are not business majors but who will use such information in future roles as investors, owners, managers, employees and /or taxpaying citizens.
Accounting for Business Decisions (RAIK 181H) - Introduction to financial and managerial accounting, and accounting information systems. Content integration and application, problem-solving and situational analysis.