Craig R. MacPhee has been an emeritus professor of economics at UNL since 2013. He began teaching courses at UNL, mainly in international economics, after completing his graduate work at Michigan State University in 1969. A native of Nova Scotia, Canada, MacPhee became a United States citizen in 1959. He received his B.S. degree in business from the University of Idaho in 1966. His service at UNL included 12 years chairing the economics department.
MacPhee has authored books on the medical equipment industry, foreign direct investment, and international trade in steel. He has published numerous articles in academic publications such as the Journal of Economic Education, the Journal of Applied Economics, the Southern Economic Journal, Economic Development and Cultural Change, the International Trade Journal, the Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, the Journal of Economic Integration, the South African Journal of Economics, as well as a large number monographs published by the United Nations and the World Bank.
MacPhee's latest book on the economics of the transition from communism to capitalism is entitled “Roll Over Joe Stalin: Struggling with Post-Soviet Reform in the Caucasus.” The book is based on MacPhee's recent experience as Chief Economist with the University of Maryland Center on Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector in Tbilisi, the capital of the former Soviet republic of Georgia (1998-99), and as Senior Economic Advisor to the Georgian Ministry of Finance (1999-2001). MacPhee also was an advisor to the Montenegro Ministry of Finance in the former Yugoslavia in 2001, to the government of Mongolia during 2006-2008, and to the Customs Department of Nepal in 2013.
MacPhee has served as a consultant to the U.S. Bureau of International Labor Affairs, the Overseas Development Council, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Organization of American States, the U.S. Information Agency, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility of the World Bank, and the African Development Bank.
MacPhee represented the United Nations in consultations at the Commission of the European Communities in Brussels and at the Tokyo Round and Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations in Geneva. He has lectured in programs of Oxford University, the Australian National University, Zhongshan University in China, City University in Hong Kong, Academy Sinica in Taiwan, Moscow State University in Russia, the Jagiellonian University in Poland, and Pusan National University in South Korea, among others. He also has been invited to testify before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on International Relations.