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University of Nebraska–Lincoln


Thomas Dotzel Photo

Thomas Dotzel

Assistant Professor of Marketing
HLH 345G
P.O. Box 880492
Lincoln, NE 68588-0492
(402) 472-2316
Thomas Dotzel Photo
Ph.D. in Marketing from Texas A&M University

MBA from the University of Texas at Arlington

French/German Dual Degree Program
Diplôme, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce (ESC) de Pau, France
Diplombetriebswirt Munich University of Applied Science, Germany
Areas of Expertise
  • Marketing
  • Marketing Management
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Services Marketing
Research Interests
  • Service Innovation
  • Services Marketing
  • Retailing
  • Marketing-Finance Interface
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Assistant Professor, 2019
Vita March 2023
Spring 2025 Office Hours

By appointment


Thomas Dotzel (Ph.D., Texas A&M University) joined the College of Business at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2019. He was previously a faculty member at the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Thomas conducts empirical marketing strategy research in the substantive domain of services marketing. Within this context, his research focuses primarily on answering managerial questions related to different types of service innovations as well as on measuring the financial value of marketing actions.
His research appears or is forthcoming in the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing ResearchMIT Sloan Management Review (print and online), and the Harvard Business Review (print and online).
He has taught marketing courses at the undergraduate, MBA, doctoral, and executive levels and has been recognized for his teaching quality at UNL, McGill, and Texas A&M University. In 2023, he was awarded UNL's Office of the Vice Chancellor's College Distinguished Teaching Award.
Prior to getting his Ph.D., he gained several years of industry experience in the hospitality industry in diverse countries and in the marketing division of the BMW Group in Munich.

Research Interests

Service Innovation

Services Marketing


Marketing-Finance Interface

Marketing Strategy

Published In

Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Research
Harvard Business Review
MIT Sloan Management Review

Refereed Publications

Dotzel, Thomas and Venkatesh Shankar (2019), “The Relative Effects of Business-to-Business (vs. Business-to-Consumer) Service Innovations on Firm Value and Firm Risk: An Empirical Analysis,” Journal of Marketing, 83 (5), 133-52.

Dotzel, Thomas, Venkatesh Shankar and Leonard L. Berry (2013), “Service Innovativeness and Firm Value,” Journal of Marketing Research, 50 (2), 259-76.

Shankar, Venkatesh, Leonard L. Berry, and Thomas Dotzel (2009), “A Practical Guide to Combining Products and Services,” Harvard Business Review, November, 94-99.

Berry, Leonard L, Venkatesh Shankar, Janet Turner Parish, Susan Cadwallader, and Thomas Dotzel (2006), “Creating New Markets Through Service Innovation,” MIT Sloan Management Review, 47(2), 56-63.

Research Awards

Dean's Award for Outstanding Research by a Doctoral Student, Mays Business School, Texas
A&M University. (2007).

ISBM Ph.D. Student Research Camp. (2006).

Liam Glynn/ASU Center for Services Leadership Research Award, AMA Services Marketing
Special Interest Group. (2006).

Undergraduate Courses

Services Marketing (MRKT 426) - Services marketing and the services marketing process. Key concepts, issues and terminology. Specific tools and frameworks enabling communication with other professional marketers and analysis of services marketing situations to make realistic recommendations for managerial action.

Marketing Management (MRKT 442) - Application of marketing principles to the solution of a wide variety of problems involving influence of the consumer, choice of channels, marketing legislation, and the management of merchandising, advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, pricing, and marketing research.

Teaching Interests

Marketing Management

Services Marketing

Marketing Strategy

Value Creation

Professional Service

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, International Journal of Research in Marketing. (2021 - Present).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Marketing Research. (2020 - Present).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science. (2019 - Present).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Marketing. (2019 - 2021).

Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Service Research. (2015 - Present).

Vice-Chair (Communication), AMA Marketing Strategy Special Interest Group. (January 2014 - May 2022).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Service Research. (2009 - Present).

Reviewer, Book Chapter, ISBM Handbook of Business to Business Marketing, (2021).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Marketing Science Institute’s (MSI) Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition. (2021).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, International Journal of Research in Marketing. (2020).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Marketing Science Institute’s (MSI) Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition. (2020).

Reviewer, Grant Proposal, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada (SSHRC Insight Grant Competition). (2020).

Reviewer/Discussant, Conference Paper, European Marketing Association Conference. (2019).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Marketing Letters. (2019).

Services Marketing Track Co-Chair with Beibei Dong, 2018 AMA Summer Educators' Conference. (2018).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Shankar-Spiegel Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition. (2018).

Conference Discussant, Empirical & Theoretical Symposium, Montreal. (2017).

Reviewer/Discussant, Conference Paper, AMA Marketing Educators' Conference. (2016).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Retailing. (2016).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, MSI Clayton Dissertation Award. (2016).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Marketing Research. (2015 - 2016).

Reviewer/Discussant, Conference Paper, AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference. (2015).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Productions and Operations Management. (2015).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Shankar-Spiegel Dissertation Award. (2013).

Reviewer/Discussant, Conference Paper, AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference. (2012).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, AMS World Marketing Congress. (2010 - 2012).

Session Chair, 10th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, Orlando, FL. (2010).

Reviewer/Discussant, Conference Paper, AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference. (2010).

Session Chair, ISBM Academic Conference: Advances in B-to-B Marketing, Harvard University. (2010).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Product Innovation Management. (2010).

Reviewer/Discussant, Conference Paper, AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference. (2008).

Department Service

Committee Member, Department of Marketing Grade Appeal Committee. (September 2020 - Present).

Second Year/Comprehensive Exam Paper Review. (August 2020).



2022-2023 College Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Business. (May 2023).

Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (May 2023).

College Distinguished Teaching Award, Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (March 2023).

Nominated, 2022-2023 College Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Business. (December 2022).

Nominated, 2021-2022 College Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Business. (December 2021).

2021 Haring Symposium - Faculty Representative, University of Indiana. (April 2021).

Nominated, 2020-2021 College Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Business. (January 2021).

Best Services Article Award, AMA SERVSIG. (July 2020).

Faculty Research Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (May 2020).

Nominee for 2017-18 Distinguished Teaching Award, McGill University. (2018).

Nominee for 2016-17 Distinguished Teaching Award, McGill University. (2017).

2013 AMA Services Special Interest Group (SERVSIG) Best Services Article Award (across
journals), American Marketing Association. (February 2013).

2012 AMA SERVSIG Doctoral Consortium Fellow, American Marketing Association. (2012).

Association of Former Students Distinguished Graduate Student Teaching Award, Texas A&M
University. (2009).

Finalist, ISBM Business Marketing Doctoral Dissertation Award Competition, ISBM. (2008).

Fellow, (Presenter) 26th Annual Doctoral Symposium, University of Houston. (April 2008).

Dean's Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Doctoral Student, Mays Business School, Texas
A&M University. (2008).

Fellow, AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium, American Marketing Association. (2007).

Fellow, (Discussant) 24th Annual Doctoral Symposium, University of Houston. (April 2006).