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University of Nebraska–Lincoln


Pinar  Runnalls Photo

Pinar Runnalls

Assistant Professor of Practice in Marketing
HLH 345
P.O. Box 880492
Lincoln, NE 68588-0492
Pinar  Runnalls Photo
Ph.D., Michigan State University, Marketing, 2017

MS, Brock University, Goodman School of Business, Marketing, 2012

BS, Brock University, Goodman School of Business, Marketing (Honors), 2010
Areas of Expertise
  • Marketing Strategy
  • International Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
Research Interests
  • International Marketing
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Management
  • B2B Marketing
  • Assistant Professor of Practice, 2020
Vita March 2023
Spring 2025 Office Hours

Mondays and Wednesdays, 1.-2 p.m., HLH 335A | and by appointment


Dr. Pinar Runnalls is an Assistant Professor of Practice in Marketing within the College of Business at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. In 2017, she earned her Ph.D. from the Eli Broad Graduate School of Management at Michigan State University. In addition, she holds a Master of Science and a Bachelor degree in Marketing from Brock University in Canada.

Pinar has extensive teaching experience at the graduate and undergraduate levels, including courses in consumer behavior, business ethics, international marketing, quantitative business research methods, principles of marketing, and digital marketing. Currently, Pinar is studying the efficacy of learning across multiple platforms, including face-to-face, online, and blended class formats.

Her research interests include international marketing, marketing strategy, and marketing management. She has published in the Journal of Retailing and the Journal of International Marketing. Along with her coauthors, Pinar won the 2018 S. Tamer Cavusgil, which recognizes the most impactful journal article that contributes to the field of international marketing for a given year (2018).

Research Interests
  • International Marketing
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Management
  • B2B Marketing
Published In

Journal of International Marketing

Journal of Retailing

Refereed Publications

Chabowski, B., Kekec, P., Morgan, N. A., Hult, G. Tomas M., Walkowiak, T., Runnalls, B. (2018). An Assessment of the Exporting Literature: Using Theory and Data to Identify Future Research Directions. Journal of International Marketing, 26(1), 118-143.

Kozlenkova, I. V., Hult, G. Tomas M., Lund, D. J., Mena, J. A., Kekec, P. (2015). The Role of Marketing Channels in Supply Chain Management. Journal of Retailing, 91(4), 586-609.


Graduate Courses

Marketing and Globalization (MRKT 855) - Globalization and resulting changes in the business environment. Access to new consumers, new supplies. The effect on consumer choices. Readings from scholarly and popular press, videos, and a "real world" application. Marketing strategies developed for Nebraska firms and organizations such as value-added food marketers.

Undergraduate Courses

Contemporary Marketing (MRKT 300) - Survey of marketing principles for non-business students. Overview of the fundamental terms and concepts in contemporary marketing, introduction to real world marketing strategies and focuses on marketing's role in organizations and businesses.

Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce (MRKT 441) - Strategies to deal with opportunities and challenges of evolving technology and marketing in digital networks of customers, suppliers, and employees; social and mobile marketing; different interactive marketing platforms for e-commerce; the future and strategic, societal, and ethical implications of technology and interactive marketing in e-commerce.

International Marketing (MRKT 453) - Marketing problems of international business. Export marketing and domestic marketing of USA products abroad. Influence of international institutions, culture, stage of development, and geography; problems in terminology, product policy, promotion, distribution, research, pricing, and starting marketing operations.

Teaching Interests
  • International Marketing
  • International Business
  • Marketing Strategy
Professional Service

Track Organizer, 2019 Academy of Marketing Science Conference (CSR and Sustainability), Vancouver, BC. (2019).

Ethics, Sustainability, and CSR Track Co-Chair, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), Vancouver, BC. (January 2018 - May 2019).

Reviewer/Discussant, Conference Paper, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS). (2013 - Present).

Reviewer/Discussant, Conference Paper, AMA Marketing Educators' Conference. (2013 - Present).

Department Service

Assistance, 2022 Center for Sales Excellence Internal Role Play Competition. (April 2022).

Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee, Assistant Professor Practice. (December 2021 - March 2022).

Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee, Assistant Professor Practice. (January 2021 - May 2021).

Center for Sales Excellence Program, Co-Coordinated the 2021 Nebraska Center for Sales Excellence Virtual Networking Event. (November 2021).

Center for Sales Excellence Program, Co-Coordinated the 2021 Nebraska Center for Sales Excellence Virtual Role Play Competition. (April 2021).

College Service

Committee Member, College of Business, Strategic Planning Refresh Project. (2021).

Table Host, Global Cafe and Connections, 2021 International Education Week. (2021).


Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (May 2023).

Nominated, 2022-2023 College of Business Excellence in Teaching Award (Non-Tenure Track), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Business. (December 2022).

Nominated, 2021-2022 College of Business Excellence in Teaching Award (Non-Tenure Track), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Business. (December 2021).

2019 AMA S. Tamer Cavusgil Award, American Marketing Association. (2019).

AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow, American Marketing Association. (2016).