Spring 2025 Office Hours
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-2 p.m., HLH 335G | and by appointment
Dr. Priyanka Khandelwal holds a Ph.D. in Mass Communication from Texas Tech University and a master’s degree in Sociology from North Carolina Central University, graduating Summa Cum Laude. She also holds an MBA with a specialization in Marketing from ICFAI Business School, India. Before joining the University of Nebraska, she worked at West Texas A&M University, Duke University, University of Texas (Permian Basin), and Texas Tech University. Dr. Khandelwal has worked extensively in Higher Education Marketing.
She has written multiple research articles, case studies, and book chapters. She has received both internal and extra-mural grants for research activities. She has published in BMC Public Health and Surveillance & Society.
Selected Publications/Articles
Khandelwal, P., Ramos Salazar, L., Khandelwal, S. (2023). Typology of Tweets and User Engagement Generated by U.S. Companies Involved in Developing COVID-19 Vaccines. Journal of Business & Technical Communication, 37(3), 221-252.
Ramos Salazar, L., Khandelwal, P., Castillo, Y. (2022). The Effects of Received Grandmothers’ Affection on Adult Grandchildren’s Health Behaviors Using Affection Exchange Theory. BMC Public Health, 22:714.
Ramos Salazar, L., Zhang, Y., Huntington, H., Khandelwal, P., Pradnya, J. (2022). Examining Online MBA Students' Social Presence and Career Planning Self-Confidence. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 85(3), 319-348.
Ramos Salazar, L., Khandelwal, P. (2021). The Impact of Self-Control and Texting-Related Accidents on the Relationship Between Mindfulness and Mobile-Texting While Driving Behavior. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 77(26-37).
Ramos Salazar, L., Khandelwal, P., Castillo, Y. (2021). The Predictors of Mother-Daughter Communication Intentions About STD Risks and Condom Use Behavior in Female College Students. International Journal of Behavior and Healthcare Research, 7(3), 209-226.
Khandelwal, P., Gotlieb, M. (2021). The Role of Utilitarian and Hedonic Constructs in Predicting Use of Location-Based Anonymous Social Networking Sites. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies (4), e202118.
Khandelwal, P. (2021). The Two Ring Test: The Unbearable Predictability of Artificial Intelligence. Surveillance & Society, 19(4), 489-493.
Khandelwal, P., Ramos Salazar, L. (2020). Exploring the Social Determinants of Drinking Sugary Beverages Leading to Chronic Illness Among Latina/o Populations. Hispanic Health Care International, 18(2), 64-70.
Hoang, Q., Khandelwal, P., Ghosh, S. (2019). Robust Predictive Module Using Copulas. Data-Enabled Discovery and Applications, 31(1), 8.
Undergraduate Courses
Marketing (MRKT 341) - The marketing system, its relations with the socioeconomic system, and the influences of each upon the other. Evolution and present structure of marketing institutions and processes. Customer attributes and behavioral characteristics, and how a marketing manager responds to these in the design of marketing strategies, using research, product development, pricing, distribution structure, and promotion.
Market Research (MRKT 345) - Introduction to methods and principles of investigation and analysis used in making marketing decisions, from product development to channel decisions, to advertising decisions. Planning studies, proposing studies, conducting data gathering, analyzing and interpreting data, reporting results.
Marketing Communication Strategy (MRKT 347) - Role of communication in the marketing process. Integration of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, packaging, public relations, as well as their social, economic, and legal impact. Emphasis on influence of marketing communication on consumer information processing and decision making processes and determination and evaluation of marketing communication opportunities, objectives, messages, and effort.
Marketing Analytics (MRKT 350) - Introduction to analytical methods of marketing analysis for marketing decisions using data-based cases, including choice models, mapping methods, clustering and mixture regression models, conjoint analysis, sales response models, and data visualization. Applications are in the areas of customer value assessment, segmentation, targeting, brand positioning, new product development, and resource allocation.
Teaching Interests
- Marketing Research
- Marketing Analytics
- Marketing Communication Strategy
- Consumer Behavior