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University of Nebraska–Lincoln


Matthew Barlow Photo

Matthew Barlow

Assistant Professor of Management
HLH 325 M
P.O. Box 880491
Lincoln, NE 68588-0491
(402) 472-3915
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Matthew Barlow Photo
  • Ph.D. in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship, University of Utah (2016)
  • M.B.A. in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship, Indiana University (2009)
  • M.S. in Electrical Engineering, George Washington University (2004)
  • B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (2000)
Areas of Expertise
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Organizational Theory
Research Interests
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Organization Theory
  • Market Categories
  • Reputation/Status
  • Assistant Professor, 2019
Matthew Barlow CV.pdf


Dr. Barlow earned his Ph.D. in Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management from the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah. He also earned an MBA in Strategic Management from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, a M.S. in Electrical Engineering from George Washington University, and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Virginia Tech. Prior to joining the University of Nebraska, he served as an assistant professor of management at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). His research interests include entrepreneurship, new venture strategy, and organization theory. 

Dr. Barlow has published research in several leading managment journals.  He co-authored "Optimal distinctiveness, strategic categorization, and product market entry on the Google Play app platform" in Strategic Management Journal.  He also co-authored "Guilty by Association: Product-level category stigma and audience expectations in the U.S. craft beer industry" in the Journal of Management.

Selected Publications/Articles
  1. Barlow, M. A., Verhaal, J. C., & Angus, R. W. (2019). Optimal distinctiveness, strategic categorization, and product market entry on the Google Play app platform. Strategic Management Journal, 40(8): 1219-1242. DOI:
  2. Barlow, M.A. & Verhaal, J.C., and Hoskins, J. (2018). Guilty by Association: Product-Level Category Stigma and Audience Expectations in the U.S. Craft Beer Industry. Journal of Management, 44(7): 2934-2960. DOI:
  3. Posthuma, R.A., Flores, G.L., Barlow, M.A., & Dworkin, J.B. (2018). Social Signaling and Inter-Organizational Relationships: Lessons Learned from the Professional Sports Industry. Business Horizons, 61(4): 521-531. DOI:
Working Papers
  1. Verhaal, J.C., Rees, M., Barlow, M.A. & Wareham, J. “I’ll have what she’s having: Experts’ social evaluations, conformity to those evaluations, and the implications for organizational cumulative advantage.”
  2. Angus, R.W., Barlow, M.A., & Schulze, W.S. “Failed Exploration Experiments: Helpful, Mostly Harmless, or Harmful?”
  3. Angus, R.W., Barlow, M.A., and Chen, M. “Stakeholder Commitment and Theory of the Emerging Firm”
  4. Barlow, M.A., Hesterly, W.S., & Verhaal, J.C. “Catching a Falling Star: Mobility of Declining Star Performers, Peer Effects, and Organizational Performance in the National Football League”
Selected Presentations
  • Titus, V., Barlow, M.A., Verhaal, J.C., & Parker, O. “Playing Off the Beat: Optimal Distinctiveness, Entrainment, and Stakeholder Judgements.”
    • Accepted for Presentation at 2020 Babson Entrepreneurship Conference [cancelled due to COVID].
  • Angus, R.W., Barlow, M.A., & Schulze, W.S. “Failed Exploration Experiments: Helpful, Mostly Harmless, or Harmful?”
    • Presented at the 2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
    • Presented at the 2018 SMS Annual Meeting, Paris, France.
    • Presented at the 2018 Organization Science Winter Conference, Park City, UT.
  • Angus, R.W., & Barlow, M.A. “Opportunity Value Uncertainty, Role Uncertainty, and Adaptive Human Capital"
    • Presented at the 2019 Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Rohnert Park, CA
  • Barlow, M.A., Verhaal, J.C., & Angus, R.W. “Standing Out From the Crowd: Optimal Distinctiveness, Market Positioning, and New Market Entry.”
    • Presented at the 2018 Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
    • Presented at the 2017 SMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.
Undergraduate Courses

Identifying and Exploring Entrepreneurial Opportunities (ENTR/MNGT 421) - Covers the creative skills fundamental to the process of identifying and exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities and the analytical toolkit needed to explore the feasibility of an entrepreneurial opportunity. Integrates experiential exercises, thought leadership in the field, and case study analysis to hone in on the critical importance of the entrepreneurial mindset to society. A variety of contexts are considered, including traditional small businesses, social/non-profit organizations, and innovative efforts within established firms.

Managing Rapid Growth and Change in Organizations (ENTR/MNGT 422) - Addresses financial, human resource, operations and marketing issues that face entrepreneurs whose businesses are confronted with significant growth. In addition, will learn change management concepts that are targeted towards managing an organization in extremely turbulent times. Prepares students to work in fast-growth firms, whether they are interested in starting their own business or joining an already established fast-growth firm. Helpful for students interested in fast-growth industries such as life science and high technology.

Department Service
  • Member, Ph.D. Program Comittee, 2019-Present
Professional Service
  • Ad-Hoc Reviewer
    • Strategic Management Journal
    • Academy of Management Review
    • Journal of Management
    • Journal of Management Studies
  • Discussant
    • Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2015
  • Conference Reviewer
    • Academy of Management Annual Meeting
    • Strategic Managenet Society Annual Meeting & Special Conferences
    • Western Academy of Management
Awards & Honors
  • UNL Social Engagment Teaching Fellow
  • UTEP College of Business Administration Management Department Teaching Excellence Award, 2018