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University of Nebraska–Lincoln


Janet P. Near Photo

Janet P. Near

Professor Emeritus of Management
HLH 301 E
P.O. Box 880491
Lincoln, NE 68588-0491
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Janet P. Near Photo
Ph.D., State University of New York, Buffalo
M.A., State University of New York, Buffalo
B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz
Areas of Expertise
  • organizational structures and cultures
  • organizational ethics, CSR, ESG
Research Interests
  • ethics in organizations
  • quality of work life
  • Professor of Management and Howard L. Hawks Chair of Business Ethics and Leadership, 2016-2024
  • Associate Dean of Faculty and Research, 2018-2024
  • Emeritus Professor, 2024
CliftonStrengths ®
  • Input
  • Intellection
  • Learner
  • Analytical
  • Responsibility

Janet P. Near is Professor Emeritus of Management. She held the Howard L. Hawks Chair in Business Ethics and Leadership from 2016-2024 and served as the Associate Dean for Faculty and Research from 2018-2024. She taught in the online MBA Program, and was active in Ph.D. student education, serving on 61 dissertation committees. Near is also Professor Emeritus at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, where she held the Dale M. Coleman Chair of Management. At IU, she served as department chair for the Management and Entrepreneurship Department (nine years), and the Ph.D. Programs Chair (three years). 

Near has published three books on the topic of whistle-blowing, and over 70 journal articles, some of which have appeared in top journals in her field, including the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, and Organization Science. She has also published some 20 chapters in edited books. She previously served on the Editorial Boards of AMR, ASQ, JBE, JoM, and Human Relations, and was an elected representative on the Board of Governors of the Academy of Management. Her publications have been cited over 30,000 times, according to Google Scholar Citations:



Selected Publications/Articles
  1. Near, J.P., Rice, R.W., & Hunt, R.G. (1978). Work and extra-work correlates of life and job satisfaction, Academy of Management Journal, 21: 248-264.
  2. Rice, R.W., Near, J.P., & Hunt, R.G. (1979). Unique variance in job and life satisfaction associated with work-related and extra-workplace variables, Human Relations, 32: 605-623.
  3. Near, J.P. (1979). Comparison of developmental trends in groups, Small Group Behavior, 9: 493-506.
  4. Rice, R.W., Near, J.P., & Hunt, R.G. (1980). The job satisfaction-life satisfaction relationship: A review of empirical research, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 1: 37-64.
  5. Near, J.P. (1980). The career plateau: Causes and effects, Business Horizons, 23, #5: 53-57.
  6. Near, J.P., Rice, R.W., & Hunt, R.G. (1980). The relationship between work and nonwork domains: A review of empirical research, Academy of Management Review, 5: 415-429.
  7. Parmerlee, M.A., Near, J.P., & Jensen, T.C. (1982). Correlates of whistle-blowers' perceptions of organizational reprisals, Administrative Science Quarterly, 27: 17-34.
  8. Near, J.P., & Jensen, T.C. (1983). The whistle-blowing process: Retaliation and perceived effectiveness, Work and Occupations, 10: 3-28.
  9. Baucus, D.A., & Near, J.P. (1983). Managers and the good life, Business Horizons, 26, #4: 20-23.
  10. Near, J.P., Smith, C.A., Rice, R.W., & Hunt, R.G. (1983). Job satisfaction and nonwork satisfaction as components of life satisfaction, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 13: 126-144.
  11. Smith, C.A., Organ, D.W., & Near, J.P. (1983). Organizational citizenship behavior: Its nature and antecedents, Journal of Applied Psychology, 68: 653-663.
  12. Near, J.P., Smith, C.A., Rice, R.W., & Hunt, R.G. (1984). A comparison of work and nonwork predictors of life satisfaction, Academy of Management Journal, 27: 184-190.
  13. Near, J.P. (1984). Reactions to the career plateau, Business Horizons, 27, #4: 75-79.
  14. Near, J.P. (1984). Relationships between job satisfaction and life satisfaction: Test of a causal model, Social Indicators Research, 15: 351-367.
  15. Miceli, M.P., & Near, J.P. (1984). The relationships among beliefs, organizational position and whistle-blowing status: A discriminant analysis, Academy of Management Journal, 27: 687-705.
  16. Near, J.P., & Miceli, M.P. (1985). Organizational dissidence: The case of whistle-blowing, Journal of Business Ethics, 4: 1-16.
  17. Rice, R.W., McFarlin, D.B., Hunt, R.G., & Near, J.P. (1985). Organizational work and the perceived quality of life: Toward a conceptual model, Academy of Management Review, 10: 296-310.
  18. Near, J.P. (1985). A discriminant analysis of plateaued versus nonplateaued managers, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 26: 177-188.
  19. Organ, D.W., & Near, J.P. (1985). Cognition versus affect in measures of job satisfaction, International Journal of Psychology, 20: 241-253.
  20. Miceli, M.P., & Near, J.P. (1985). Characteristics of organizational climate and perceived wrongdoing associated with whistle-blowing decisions, Personnel Psychology, 38: 525-544.
  21. Near, J.P., & Olshavsky, R.W. (1985). Japan's success: Luck or skill? Business Horizons, 28, #6: 15-22.
  22. Rice, R.W., McFarlin, D.B., Hunt, R.G., & Near, J.P. (1985). Moderators of the relationship between job satisfaction and life satisfaction, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 6: 297-316.
  23. Near, J.P., & Miceli, M.P. (1986). Retaliation against whistle-blowers: Predictors and effects, Journal of Applied Psychology, 71: 137-145.
  24. Near, J.P. & Sorcinelli, M.D. (1986). Work and life away from work: Predictors of faculty satisfaction, Research in Higher Education, 25: 377-394.
  25. Dworkin, T.M., & Near, J.P. (1987). Whistle-blowing statutes: Are they working? American Business Law Journal, 25: 241-264.
  26. Near, J.P., Rice, R.W., & Hunt, R.G. (1987). Job satisfaction and life satisfaction: A profile analysis, Social Indicators Research, 19: 383-402.
  27. Miceli, M.P., & Near, J.P. (1988). Individual and situational correlates of whistle-blowing, Personnel Psychology, 41: 267-281.
  28. Miceli, M.P., Roach, B.L., & Near, J.P. (1988). Motivations of anonymous whistle-blowers, Public Personnel Management, 17: 281-296.
  29. Sorcinelli, M.D., & Near, J.P. (1989). The relationship between work and life away from work among university faculty, Journal of Higher Education, 60: 61-80.
  30. Miceli, M.P., & Near, J.P. (1989). The incidence of wrongdoing, whistle-blowing and retaliation: Results of a naturally occurring field experiment. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 2: 91-108.
  31. Near, J.P. (1989). Whistle-blowing: Encourage it! Business Horizons, 32, #1: 2-6.
  32. Near, J.P. (1989). Organizational commitment among Japanese and U.S. workers. Organization Studies, 10: 281-300.
  33. Baucus, M.S., & Near, J.P. (1991). Can illegal corporate behavior be predicted: An event history analysis, Academy of Management Journal, 34: 9-36.
  34. Miceli, M. P., Dozier, J. B., & Near, J. P. (1991). Blowing the whistle on data-fudging: A controlled field experiment, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 21: 271-295.
  35. Miceli, M.P., Jung, I., Near, J.P., & Greenberger, D.B. (1991). Predictors and outcomes of pay satisfaction in pay-for-performance plans, Journal of Applied Psychology, 76: 508-521.
  36. Miceli, M.P., Near, J.P., & Schwenk, C.R. (1991). Who blows the whistle and why: Perceptions of victims, perpetrators, and role related variables, Industrial Labor Relations Review, 45: 113-130.
  37. Mulvey, P.W., Miceli, M.P., & Near, J.P. (1992). The pay satisfaction questionnaire: A confirmatory factor analysis, Journal of Social Psychology, 132: 139-142.
  38. Mentzer, M.S., & Near, J.P. (1992). Death of an industry: Organizational decline in a declining population, Organization Studies, 13: 357-373.
  39. Near, J.P., Dworkin, T.M., & Miceli, M.P. (1993). Explaining the whistle-blowing process: Suggestions from power theory and justice theory, Organization Science, 4: 393-411.
  40. Near, J.P., Baucus, M.S., & Miceli, M.P. (1993). The relationship between values and practice: Organizational climates for wrongdoing, Administration & Society, 25: 204-226.
  41. Near, J.P., & Rechner, P.L. (1993). Cross-national variations in predictors of life satisfaction: Differences among West European countries, Social Indicators Research, 29: 109-121.
  42. Miceli, M.P. & Near, J.P. (1994). Listening to your whistle-blowers can be profitable! Academy of Management Executive, 8, #3: 65-72.
  43. Olsen, D., & Near, J.P. (1994). Role conflict and faculty life satisfaction, The Review of Higher Education, 17: 179-195.
  44. Miceli, M.P., & Near, J.P. (1994). Relationships among value congruence, perceived victimization, and retaliation against whistle-blowers: The case of internal auditors, Journal of Management, 20: 773-794.
  45. Burton, B.K., & Near, J.P. (1995). Estimating the incidence of wrongdoing and whistle-blowing: Results of a study using randomized response technique, Journal of Business Ethics, 14: 17-30.
Graduate Courses
  • Organizational Behavior, MNGT 960, Ph.D. seminar
  • Organization Designs for Competitive Advantage, MNGT 818, elective online MBA course
  • Dissertation Committees
    • Committee Chair on 13 committees
    • Committee Member on 28 committees
    • Outside Committee Member on 20 committees
  • Co-Authorship on Journal Articles or Conference Papers
    • With 15 students

Institutional Service:

  • Chair and member, Kelley School of Business P&T Committee (3 terms)
  • Management & Entrepreneurship Department Chair, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University (3 terms)
  • Ph.D. Programs Chair, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University (1 term)
  • Associate Dean for Faculty and Research, College of Business, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (current)

Professional Service to the Academy of Management:

  • Board of Governors (Elected Representative-at-Large)
  • Junior Faculty Workshop, Organization Behavior Division (Co-chair)
  • Organization Behavior Division (Elected Representative-at-Large)

Editorial Review Boards:

  • Academy of Management Review
  • Administrative Science Quarterly
  • Human Relations
  • Journal of Business Ethics
  • Journal of Management (Consulting Editor)

Teaching Awards at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University:

  • TERA Award
  • Lilly Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship
  • MBA Association Outstanding Teacher Award
  • Doctoral Student Association in Business Inspiration and Guidance Award
  • Doctoral Student Association in Business Outstanding Teacher Award