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University of Nebraska–Lincoln


Christopher Harris Photo

Christopher Harris

Assistant Professor of Practice in Management
HLH 325 E
P.O. Box 880491
Lincoln, NE 68588-0491
Christopher Harris Photo
Ph.D in Management, University of Texas-Arlington

MBA, University of Nebraska-Omaha

BBA, Belmont University
Areas of Expertise
  • Strategic Human Resource Management
  • Human Capital

Christopher Harris earned his Ph.D. in Management from the University of Texas-Arlington.  His research interests include the impact of human capital on performance and career sucess and the influence of human resource practices on the aquisition of human capital.  His work has been published in Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management Journal, and Journal of Vocational Behavior.

In the College of Business at UNL, Dr. Harris has taught MNGT 300: Management Essentials for Contemporary Organizations, MNGT 360: Managing Behavior in Organizations, and MNGT 412: Negotiations and Conflict Management. 

Selected Publications

Harris, C.M & Brown, L.W (forthcoming).  Everyone muse help: Performance implications of CEO and top management team human capital and corporate political activity. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance.

Harris, C. M., & Brown, L. W. (2021). Does human capital pay? The influence of leader human capital and employee human capital on leader bonus earnings. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance. 8(1) 1-15.

Harris, C.M., Lavelle, J.J., & McMahan, G.C. (2020).  Effects of internal and external sources of justice on turnover intention and organizational citizenship behavior towards clients and work group members.  The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(17), 2141-2164.

Harris, C.M. & Pattie, M. (2020).  Interns’ perceptions of HR practices, fit, and intentions to join.  The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(12), 1513-1532.

Harris, C.M., Wright, P.M., & McMahan, G.C. (2019).  The emergence of human capital: Roles of social capital and coordination that drive unit performance.  Human Resource Management Journal, 29(2), 162-180 .

Lavelle, J.J., Harris, C.M. Rupp, D.E., Herda, D.N., Young, R.F., Hargrove, M.B., Thornton-Lugo, M.A., & McMahan, G.C. (2018).  Multifoci effects of injustice on counterproductive work behaviors and the moderating roles of symbolization and victim sensitivity, 39(8), 1022-1039.  Journal of Organizational Behavior.

Elorza, U., Harris, C.M., Aritzet, A., & Balluerka, N. (2016).  The effect of the actual HR system of practices on employees’ discretionary behavior in Spanish firms: A multilevel random coefficient analysis. Personnel Review, 45(1): 121-141.

Harris, C.M., Pattie, M.W., & McMahan, G.C.  (2015).  Advancement along a career path: The influence of human capital and performance.  Human Resource Management Journal, 25(1): 102-115.

Harris, C.M., McMahan, G.C., & Wright, P.M. (2012).  Talent and time together: The impact of human capital and overlapping tenure on unit performance. Personnel Review, 41(4): 408-427. 

Casper, W.J., Harris, C.M., Taylor-Bianco, A., & Wayne, J. (2011).  Work-family conflict, supervisor support, and organizational commitment among Brazilian professionals.  Journal of Vocational Behavior, 79: 640-652.

Lavelle, J.J., McMahan, G.C., & Harris, C.M. (2009).  Fairness in human resource management, social exchange relationships, and citizenship behavior: Testing linkages of the target similarity model among nurses in the United States.  The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(12): 2419-2434.

Casper, W.J. & Harris, C.M. (2008).  Work-life benefits and organizational attachment: Self-interest utility and signaling theory models.  Journal of Vocational Behavior, 72(1): 95-109.

MNGT 300: Management Essentials for Contemporary Organizations

MNGT 360: Managing Behavior in Organizations

MNGT 412: Negotiations and Conflict Management.