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University of Nebraska–Lincoln


Amit Saini

Department Chair and W. W. Marshall College Professor and Professor of Marketing
HLH 345 J
P.O. Box 880492
Lincoln, NE 68588-0492
(402) 472-2316
Amit Saini Photo
  • Ph.D., Washington State University, 2003
  • Post Graduate (Marketing Research), Mudra Institute of Communication, India
  • B.E., Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, India
Areas of Expertise
  • Marketing Management
  • Business Ethics
  • Business-to-Business Marketing
  • E-Commerce Marketing
Research Interests
  • Marketing Management
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Business-to-Business Marketing
  • Business Ethics
  • Assistant Professor, 2003
  • Associate Professor, 2010
  • W. W. Marshall College Professor, 2014
  • Professor of Marketing, 2021
  • Department Chair, 2024
CV April 2023
Spring 2025 Office Hours

Available by appointment


Amit Saini is Chair of the Department of Marketing, and W.W. Marshall College Professor of Marketing at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He conducts research in the area of management of marketing technologies (CRM, e-commerce, B2B Electronic Markets), business-to-business marketing, and marketing ethics. He has published in leading marketing journals such as the Journal of MarketingJournal of Marketing Research, Marketing LettersJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, and Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, and has presented his research at national and international conferences.

He has been a recipient of the college's Best Research Paper award, the Department of Marketing Research award, and the Harold and Esther Edgerton Junior Faculty Award for 2006-2008 at UNL. He has also been a recipient of external grants for his research from the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) in Cambridge, MA, and the Institute of Study of Business Markets (ISBM) at Penn State.  
Saini's industry experience includes quantitative market research and IT sales management. He has taught courses in marketing management, marketing strategy, marketing channels, and sales management at the undergraduate, MBA, and Ph.D. levels. He was awarded the college's Distinguished Teaching Award for 2007 and has been recognized four times for for outstanding contribution to students by the UNL Parents Association, now called the Friends and Family Award. Saini completed his Ph.D. (Marketing) at Washington State University and his Bachelor of Engineering and Masters (Market Research) in India.

Research Interests

Marketing Management

Marketing Strategy

Business-to-Business Marketing

Business Ethics

Published In

Journal of Marketing

Journal of Marketing Research

Journal of Business Research

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Marketing Letters

Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management

Business Ethics Quarterly

Journal of Business Ethics

Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice

Industrial Marketing Management

Academy of Marketing Science Review

Refereed Publications

Kumar, A., Shi, Skiba, J., Saini, A., Lu, Z. (2023). "Impact of Buying Groups on Buyer-Supplier Relationships: Group-Dyad Interactions in Business-to-Business Markets," Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 60(6), 1197-1220.

Vivek Dubey, Joseph Matthes, and Amit Saini, (2023). “Impact of Socioeconomic Values Collaboration on Performance in Franchising,” Journal of Business Research, 162,,

Matthes, J., Saini, A., Dubey, V. (2021). "Performance Implication of Marketing Agreement, Cooperation, and Control in Franchising," Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 29(3), 387-408.

Reilly, T., Saini, A., Skiba, J. (2020). “Ethical Purchasing Dissonance: Antecedents and Coping Behaviors,” Journal of Business Ethics, 163 (3), 577-597

Skiba, J., Saini, A., Friend, S.B. (2019). "Sales Manager Cost Control Engagement: Antecedents and Performance Implications," Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. 39 (2), 123-137.

Grewal, R., Saini, A., Kumar, A., Dwyer, F. Robert, Dahlstrom, R. (2018). Marketing Channel Management by Multinational Corporations in Foreign Markets. Journal of Marketing, 82(4), 49-69.

Skiba, Jenifer, Amit Saini, and Scott Friend (2016). “The Effect of Managerial Cost Prioritization on Sales Force Turnover,” Journal of Business Research, 69 (12), 5917-5924.

Krush, M. T., Sohi, R., and Saini, A. (2015). “Dispersion of Marketing Capabilities: Impact on Marketing’s Influence and Business Unit Outcomes,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43:32-51.

Grewal, R., Kumar, A., Mallapragada, G., Saini, A. (2013). Marketing Channels in Foreign Markets: Control Mechanisms and the Moderating Role of Multinational Corporation Headquarters-Subsidiary Relationship. Journal of Marketing Research, 50(3), 378-398.

Johnson, J. L., Martin, K., Saini, A. (2012). Neglected Determinants of Market Orientation: The Role of the Firm's Strategic Culture. Industrial Marketing Management, 41(4), 715-724.
Johnson, J. L., Martin, K., Saini, A. (2011). Strategic Culture and Contextual Facotrs as Determinants of Organization Level Anomie: Implications and Outcomes for Publicly-Traded and Privately-Held Firms. Business Ethics Quarterly, 21(3), 473-502.
Grewal, R., Chakravarty, A., Saini, A. (2010). Governance Mechanisms and Business-to-Business Electronic Markets. Journal of Marketing, 74(4), 45-62.
Saini, A. (2010). Purchasing Ethics and Inter-Organizational Buyer-Supplier Relational Determinants: A Conceptual Framework. Journal of Business Ethics, 95(3), 439-455.
Saini, A., Grewal, R., Johnson, J. (2010). Putting Market-Facing Technology to Work:  Organizational Drivers of CRM Performance. Marketing Letters, 21(4), 365-383.
Saini, A., Martin, K. (2009). Strategic Risk-Taking Propensity:  The Role of Ethical Climate and Marketing Output Control. Journal of Business Ethics, 4(90), 593-606.
Saini, A., Krush, M., Johnson, J. L. (2008). Anomie and the Marketing Function: The Role of Control Mechanisms. Journal of Business Ethics, 83(4), 845-862.
Saini, A., Lanier, C. (2008). Understanding Consumer Privacy: A Review and New Directions. Academy of Marketing Science Review.
Saini, A., Johnson, J. L. (2005). Organizational Capabilities in E-Commerce: An Empirical Investigation of E-Brokerage Service Providers. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(3), 360-375.
Johnson, J., Lee, P. R., Saini, A., Grohmann, B. (2003). Market Focused Strategic Flexibility: Conceptual Advances and an Integrative Model. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31(1), 74-89.

Research Awards

Faculty Research Award, Marketing Department, College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (2016)

Faculty Research Award, Marketing Department, College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (2009)

Maude Hammond Fling Faculty Research Fellow, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (2004)

Graduate Courses

Managerial Marketing (MRKT 813) - Mixture of case discussions, readings, lectures, plus written and oral assignments. Development of analytical and decision making skills, and an understanding of the market forces which influence those decisions. Major emphasis on the decision areas of product, distribution, personal selling, advertising and pricing, as well as on the development of integrated marketing programs. Social, ethical, and global issues.

Undergraduate Courses

Honors: Marketing (MRKT 341H) - The marketing system, its relations with the socioeconomic system, and the influences of each upon the other. Evolution and present structure of marketing institutions and processes. Customer attributes and behavioral characteristics, and how a marketing manager responds to these in the design of marketing strategies, using research, product development, pricing, distribution structure, and promotion.

Teaching Interests

Marketing Management

Marketing Channels

B2B Marketing

Sales Management

Dissertation Committees

Committee Chair

  • Durgesh Pattanayak
  • Jenifer Skiba
  • Joseph Matthes

Committee Member

  • Plavini Punyatoya
  • Ravi Agarwal
  • Carissa Kim
  • Shilpa (Somraj) Rao
  • Argha Sen
  • Aditya Gupta
  • Arvind Agarwal
  • Tim Reilly
  • Jessica (Mikeska) Zeiss
  • Shilpa Gupta
  • Jeff Johnson
  • Shannon Cummins
  • Ed Nowlin
  • Mike Krush
  • Clinton Lanier
  • Aubrey Fowler
  • Anyuan (Daniel) Shen
  • Maia Beruchashvili
  • Risto Moisio

Co-Authorship on Journal Articles

Dubey, V., Matthes, J., Saini, A. (2023). Impact of Socioeconomic Values Collaboration on Performance in Franchising. Journal of Business Research, 162. DOI: (April 2023)

Kumar, A., Shi, Skiba, J., Saini, A., Lu, Z. (in press). Impact of Buying Groups on Buyer-Supplier Relationships: Group-Dyad Interactions in Business-to-Business Markets. Journal of Marketing Research. DOI: (published online 1/7/2023)

Matthes, J., Saini, A., Dubey, V. (2021). Performance Implication of Marketing Agreement, Cooperation, and Control in Franchising. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 29(3), 387-408.

Reilly, T., Saini, A., Skiba, J. (2020). Ethical Purchasing Dissonance: Antecedents and Coping Behaviors. Journal of Business Ethics, 163(3), 577-597. DOI:

Skiba, J., Saini, A., Friend, S. B. (2019). Sales Manager Cost Control Engagement: Antecedents and Performance Implications. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 39(2), 123-137. DOI:

Skiba, J., Saini, A., Friend, S. B. (2016). The Effect of Managerial Cost Prioritization on Sales Force Turnover. Journal of Business Research, 69(12), 5917-5924. DOI:

Krush, M. T., Sohi, R. S., Saini, A. (2015). Dispersion of Marketing Capabilities: Impact on Marketing's Influence and Business Unit Outcomes. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43(1), 32-51. DOI: 10.1007/s11747-014-0420-7

Saini, A., Krush, M., Johnson, J. L. (2008). Anomie and the Marketing Function: The Role of Control Mechanisms. Journal of Business Ethics, 83, 845-862.

Saini, A., Lanier, C. (2008). Understanding Consumer Privacy: A Review and New Directions. Academy of Marketing Science Review.


Professional Service

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, 2022 Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Alden G. Clayton Dissertation Proposal Award. (January 2022 - Present).

Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Marketing Research. (2018 - Present).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Business Ethics. (January 2010 - Present).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Marketing. (January 2010 - Present).

Editorial Review Board Member, The International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences. (2007 - Present).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Marketing Research. (August 2018 - June 2020).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Marketing Research. (2017).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS). (2017).

Chairperson, AMA Marketing Strategy SIG. (August 2013 - July 2016).

Conference Program Chair, Co-chair of B2B Marketing Track at Winter AMA., 2014 AMA Winter Educators' Conference, Orlando, FL. (August 2013 - February 2014).

Reviewer, Grant Proposal, Layman Award Proposal Reviewer. (November 2013 - December 2013).

Conference Program Chair, 2013 AMA Winter Educators' Conference, Las Vegas, NV. (February 2013).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Institute for the Study of Business Markets Annual Dissertation Competition (Penn State). (October 2011 - December 2011).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Retailing. (November 2009 - December 2009).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. (November 2009 - December 2009).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, AMA Summer Marketing Educator’s Conference, Winter. (2009).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Marketing. (2009).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Layman Award Proposal, UNL. (2009).

Panel Organizer & Participant for junior faculty, Mittelstadit Symposium, Lincoln, NE. (2009).

AMA Winter Educators’ Conference. (2008).

Session Chair, AMA Winter Educators’ Conference. (2008).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Business Ethics. (2008).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Marketing (JM). (2008).

Editorial Review Board Member, Academy of Marketing Science Review. (2006 - 2008).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. (2007).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, AMA  John Howard Dissertation Competition. (2006).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, AMA Winter Marketing Educator’s Conference, St. Petersburg, FL. (2006).

Session Chair, AMA Winter Marketing Educator’s Conference, St. Petersburg, FL. (2006).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, AMS Review. (2006).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, EMAC (European Marketing Academy Conference), Athens. (2006).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Institute for the Study of Business Markets Annual Dissertation Competition (Penn State). (2006).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Small Business Management. (2006).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. (2006).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Layman Award Proposal UNL. (2006).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, AMS Review. (2005).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS). (2005).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Small Business Management. (2004).

Participant Panel Discussion, Marketing Science Institute (MSI) conference on “Integrating Customer Insights into Company Actions”. (2004).

Participant Panel Discussion, Marketing Science Institute (MSI) conferenceon “Customer Management”. (2004).

AMA Summer Marketing Educator’s Conference, Chicago. (2003).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, AMA Summer Marketing Educator’s Conference, Chicago. (2003).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, AMA Summer Marketing Educator’s Conference, San Diego. (2002).

Department Service

Committee Member, Marketing Graduate Committee. (September 2017 - Present).

Committee Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Assistant Professor (two positions). (December 2021 - August 2022).

Committee Member, Evaluation Advisory Committee. (September 2021 - May 2022).

Committee Member, Evaluation Advisory Committee. (September 2020 - May 2021).

Committee Member, Evaluation Advisory Committee. (September 2019 - May 2020).

Committee Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Open Rank. (July 2019 - September 2019).

Committee Member, Evaluation Advisory Committee. (September 2018 - May 2019).

Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee, Open Rank. (July 2018 - September 2018).

Reader, Second Year Paper Reviewer. (May 2018).

Committee Member, Evaluation Advisory Committee. (September 2017 - May 2018).

Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department  of Marketing Chair. (September 2017 - December 2017).

Reader, First Year Paper Review. (May 2017).

Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department  of Marketing Chair. (July 2016 - May 2017).

Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee, Assistant or Associate Professor. (July 2016 - November 2016).

Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee, Associate or senior Assistant Professor. (July 2016 - November 2016).

Reader, First Year Paper Review. (May 2016).

Committee Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Assistant or Associate Professor (Two Positions). (June 2015 - September 2015).

Committee Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Assistant, Associate or Full Professor. (June 2015 - September 2015).

Committee Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Assistant Professor. (June 2015 - August 2015).

Reader, Comprehensive Exam Review. (May 2015).

Committee Member, Evaluation Advisory Committee. (September 2014 - May 2015).

Committee Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Hays Chair in Marketing. (July 2014 - May 2015).

Committee Member, Marketing Graduate Committee. (September 2011 - May 2015).

Committee Member, Evaluation Advisory Committee. (August 2013 - May 2014).

Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee, Sales Center Director. (March 2013 - April 2014).

Committee Member, Evaluation Advisory Committee. (September 2012 - May 2013).

Committee Chair, Faculty Search Committee - Assistant or Associate Professor. (July 2012 - October 2012).

Faculty Advisor, AMA Student Chapter. (January 2011 - May 2012).

Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee - Department Chair. (January 2012 - April 2012).

Committee Chair, Faculty Search Committee - Assistant or Associate Professor. (July 2011 - November 2011).

Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee - Assistant Professor Marketing. (May 2009 - December 2009).

Committee Member, Professor of Marketing/Gold Professorship Search Committee. (2005 - 2006).

Committee Member, Department Journal List Evaluation Committee. (2004).

Committee Member, Comprehensive Exam Committee. (2003).

College Service

Committee Member, Ph.D. Committee. (August 2021 - Present).

Committee Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (August 2020 - May 2023).

Committee Chair, Dean's Strategic Planning Committee, Research and Discovery Group. (April
2021 - July 2021).

Committee Member, Research and Professorship Review Committee. (August 2020 - May 2021).

Committee Member, General Committee. (August 2018 - May 2020).

Committee Memb


Nominated, 2022-2023 Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Business, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (December 2022).

Faculty Mentoring Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (May 2022).

Faculty Research Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (May 2020).

Recipient of Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students from the Parents Association of the University of Nebraska. (2015)

Recipient of Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students from the Parents Association of the University of Nebraska. (2013)

Best Paper Award, College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (2011)

Nominated, Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, (2011)

Finalist, 2010 Maynard Award, Journal of Marketing

Nominated, Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, (2010)

Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (2008)

Recipient of Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students from the Parents Association of the University of Nebraska. (2007)

Harold and Esther Edgerton Junior Faculty, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (2006)

Layman Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (2008)

Best Paper in Public Policy Track, American Marketing Association Summer Conference. (2005)

Layman Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (2004)

ISBM (Institute for the Study of Business Markets) Business Marketing Doctoral Fellow, Washington State University. (2002)

AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. (2002)

ISBM, Penn State, Doctoral Support Award Competition. (2002)

Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching, College of Business and Economics, Washington State University. (2001)