The College of Business at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln recognized five retiring faculty and staff members who dedicated a combined 111 years of service to supporting future business leaders. At a celebration event in May in Howard L. Hawks Hall, Dean Kathy Farrell, James Jr. and Susan Stuart Endowed Dean and professor of finance, honored each individual and celebrated their individual contributions to the Nebraska Business community.
J. Jeff Burdic
Jeff Burdic served in Business Advising and Student Engagement since 2002.
After earning his MBA at Nebraska, J. Jeff Burdic, '75, joined Nebraska Business in 2002, working in most areas in the Business Advising and Student Engagement office. Currently, he works with budgets, appeals, catalog revisions and data.
He is a four-time recipient of the Friends and Family Award from the UNL Parents Association, twice nominated for the Student Foundation Builders Award and received the CoB Distinguished Service Award three times. He was also honored with University of Nebraska Regents Kudos Awards in 2008 and 2021. Read about this award.
“These awards don’t completely do your dedication and service justice. Jeff, thank you for your exceptional service to the College of Business over the years. We are grateful for the long hours you invested in helping our students, as well as your collaboration with faculty and staff throughout the college,” Farrell said.
Deborah Eisloeffel
Deb Eisloeffel served as human resources manager for the College of Business.
Deborah Eisloeffel started at Nebraska Business in 2010 as the business manager for the Institute for Innovative Leadership. In 2012, she became the human resources manager and worked throughout her career to develop a culture of integrity, growth and respect.
Eisloeffel helped build the strengths-based culture in the college and became a Gallup-certified Strengths Coach in 2017. She co-created the Start Strong Strengths Academy, in which 19 staff members in the college learned about working with CliftonStrengths® and became strengths mentors. An advocate for staff development, Eisloeffel helped create the all-staff conference at Nebraska and served as co-chair for two years. She is also a 12-year member of the University Association for Administrative Development, a member of the Society for Human Resource Management and the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources. In 2021, she received the CoB Staff Distinguished Service Award.
“She looks to build the best in people and leverages opportunities to help the College of Business find the best in their fields, then supports their personal development and training,” Farrell said.
John Geppert, professor emeritus of finance
John Geppert taught finance courses at Nebraska for more than 32 years.
John Geppert changed his undergraduate major during college from engineering to economics. He discovered it directly pertained to his longtime interests in politics and finance.
“Much of politics is tied to economics. Economics was just a different form of mathematical modeling than I did in engineering. My Ph.D. is actually in economics,” he said.
He joined the faculty of Nebraska Business in 1989, his first career stop after earning his Ph.D., at the encouragement of retired Nebraska finance professor Gordon Karels. During his career, he saw the evolution of internet tools such as online brokerage where people could directly participate in the financial markets. Over 32 years at Nebraska, he taught courses such as investments, international finance, philosophy of science, pedagogical methods and assessment. He was named one of the inaugural Seacrest Teaching Fellows at Nebraska Business, which cultivates exceptional teaching by recognizing instructional faculty who ignite students’ passion for learning and provide high-quality learning experiences.
Geppert’s extensive research work was published in numerous prestigious journals. In his work with Ph.D. students, he co-authored 18 articles with 13 students. He received many awards including the Distinguished Faculty Service Award from the college, Pinnacle Bank Faculty Award, Beta Theta Pi Faculty Recognition Award and UNL Parents Association Recognition for Contributions to Students. Additionally, he received the College of Business Distinguished Teaching Award three times.
“When you look at John’s vita, you will see a lengthy list of service for the University of Nebraska–Lincoln including committee chairs, committee memberships, director of assessment and faculty advisor to student advisory boards. In his words, his service, ‘helped me see the big picture of college and university issues. It also allowed me to meet people with different and interesting backgrounds,’” Farrell said.
David Rosenbaum, department chair and John T. & Mable M. Hay professor of economics
David Rosenbaum worked with Bureau of Business Research Scholars and taught economics.
An expert in forensic economics and cost-benefit analysis, David Rosenbaum joined the College of Business in 1985 and made extensive contributions to the Bureau of Business Research (BBR), Department of Economics, the college and the university. In addition to leading curriculum development during the creation of the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management, he spent his career getting undergraduate and graduate students excited about economics. Rosenbaum noted that one of his most rewarding activities was working with the BBR Scholars program that provides undergraduate students with an opportunity to participate in meaningful economic research.
“While I’ve always been a professor in the economics department, the college provided the opportunity to undertake a variety of ‘careers’ within it from teaching to administration and learning to build collaboration across campus. I will miss teaching, but I won’t miss grading. You might occasionally find me in the building tinkering on a research project,” he said.
Rosenbaum received multiple awards during his career including the College of Business Distinguished Teaching Award three times, and the Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching Nebraska Professor of the Year.
“We are grateful David agreed to spend the last two years as the chair of the Department of Economics. He has been an asset to hiring and mentoring younger faculty for the department,” Farrell noted.
Marjorie Shelley, BKD, LLP professor of accountancy
Marjorie Shelley taught courses in accountancy and data analytics.
Marjorie Shelley began teaching data analytics when it was new to accounting as well as the School of Accountancy at Nebraska Business. She also worked with the Ph.D. program to better address students’ needs and assisted many students with their dissertation work. She served on university committees including the Faculty Senate, University Peer Evaluation Task Force and College Strategic Planning.
Her research interests include factors affecting audit quality and incentive and compensation effects on job performance. Her article, “Competitive, Political and Economic Factors Influencing State Tax Policy Changes” was recently cited by the Federal Reserve Board. Accounting Today and CFO Magazine also cited her article “Affiliated Former Partners on the Audit Committee: Influence on the Auditor-Client Relationship and Audit Quality.”
“We appreciate everything Marjorie has done to help elevate the School of Accountancy and the College of Business,” Farrell said.
Published: May 24, 2022