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Mittelstaedt & Gentry Doctoral Symposium
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Marketing Major
Undergraduate Certificate Program in Sales Excellence
Marketing Certificate Programs
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Strategic Marketing
Ph.D. Program
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Department Recognitions
Graduate Student Excellence Awards
AMA Sheth Doctoral Consortium
Undergraduate Dean's List
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College of Business
Department Recognitions
Department Recognitions
Marketing Recognitions
Nominated and Initiated Faculty Member, Delta Sigma Pi, UNL
Robin Garewal was initiated into Delta Sigma Pi
2022 Louis W. Stern Award, American Marketing Association (AMA) Interorganizational SIG
Alok Kumar received the 2022 Louis W. Stern Award
Seacrest Teaching Fellow, College of Business, UNL
Robert Mackalski was named a Seacrest Teaching Fellow
Nominated, Outstanding Case: Hot Topic, Ivey Publishing
Robert Mackalski was nominated for Outstanding Case: Hot Topic, for Cunningham’s Pub: Halle-Lujah for Wings
Nominated, 2021-2022 College Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Business, UNL
Chad Mardesen was nominated for the College of Business Excellence in Teaching Award
Faculty Research Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, UNL
Blake Runnalls won the Department of Marketing’s Faculty Research Award
Nominated, 2021-2022 College Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Business, UNL
Blake Runnalls was nominated for the College of Business Distinguished Teaching Award
Nominated, 2021-2022 College of Business Faculty Service Award, College of Business, UNL
Blake Runnalls was nominated for the College of Business Faculty Service Award
Nominated, 2021-2022 College of Business Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Business, UNL
Pinar Runnalls was nominated for the College of Business Excellence in Teaching Award
Faculty Mentoring Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, UNL
Amit Saini won the Department of Marketing’s Faculty Mentoring Award
Faculty Fellow, Nebraska Governance and Technology Center (NGTC), UNL
S. Sajeesh was named as one of the 2022-2023 NGTC Faculty Fellow
Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. Student Carissa Kim received the Department of Marketing’s award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. Student Ravi Agarwal received the Department of Marketing’s award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. Student Carissa Kim received the Department of Marketing’s award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student
Faculty Research Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, UNL
S. Sajeesh, Andre Maciel, and Sunil Singh won the Department of Marketing’s Faculty Teaching Award.
Faculty Mentoring Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, UNL
Ravi Sohi won the Department of Marketing’s Faculty Mentoring Award.
Nominated, 2020-2021 College Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Business, UNL
Thomas Dotzel was nominated for the College Excellence in Teaching Award.
Nominated, 2020-2021 College Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Business, UNL
Blake Runnalls was nominated for the College Excellence in Teaching Award.
Family & Friends Award (formerly known as the Parents’ Recognition Award), Division of Student Affairs and co-sponsored by the UNL Teaching Council and UNL Parents Association.
Michelle Jacobs won a Family & Friends Award.
2020 Journal of Marketing Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of Marketing
Alok Kumar won the Journal of Marketing Outstanding Reviewer Award.
2020 AMA Marketing Research Most Productive List in Premier Journals (2011-2020), American Marketing Association
Alok Kumar appeared on the 2020 AMA Marketing Research Most Productive List in Premier Journals.
Finalist, 2020 Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award, American Marketing Association
Sunil Singh was a finalist for the 2020 Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award.
Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. Student Shilpa Somraj received the Department of Marketing’s award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student.
2020 College of Business Faculty Service Award, College of Business, UNL
Rob Simon won the College of Business Faculty Service Award.
Nebraska Research Days Faculty Research and Creativity Slam, Office of Research and Economic Development, UNL
Andre Maciel won the Nebraska Research Days Faculty Research and Creativity Slam Competition.
Faculty Research Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, UNL
Thomas Dotzel and Amit Saini won the Department of Marketing’s Faculty Research Award.
Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, UNL
Chad Mardesen wont the Department of Marketing’s Faculty Teaching Award.
Faculty Mentoring Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, UNL
Jamie Hyodo won the Department of Marketing’s Faculty Mentoring Award.
Faculty Fellow, George John Research Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT
Alok Kumar was named a Faculty Fellow, George John Research Symposium.
Faculty Fellow, Marketing Strategy Consortium, University of Texas-Austin
Alok Kumar was name a Faculty Fellow, Marketing Strategy Consortium.
Best Services Article Award 2019, AMA SERVSIG
Dr. Thomas Dotzel received the Best Services Article Award from American Marketing Association’s SERVSIG.
Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, UNL Teaching Council and the UNL Parents Association
Rob Simon won a Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students from the UNL Teaching Council and the UNL Parents Association.
Nominated, 2019-2020 College Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Business, UNL
Rob Simon was nominated for the College Excellence in Teaching Award.
Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. student Ravi Agarwal received the Department of Marketing’s award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student.
Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. student Shilpa Somraj received the Department of Marketing’s award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student.
Distinguished Teaching Award, Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer, UNL
Blake Runnalls won the EVCA Distinguished Teaching Award.
Emerging Scholar Award, College of Business, UNL
Andre Maciel won the College’s Emerging Scholar Award.
Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Business, UNL
Blake Runnalls won the College’s Distinguished Teaching Award.
Distinguished Service Award, College of Business, UNL
Michelle Jacobs received the College of Business Distinguished Service Award.
Outstanding Research Assistant Award, College of Business, UNL
Abigail Nappier Cherup won the College’s Outstanding Research Assistant Award.
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, College of Business, UNL
Abigail Nappier Cherup won the College’s Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, UNL
Blake Runnalls won the Department of Marketing’s Faculty Teaching Award.
Faculty Research Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, UNL
Alok Kumar won the Department of Marketing’s Faculty Research Award.
Faculty Mentoring Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, UNL
Blake Runnalls won the Department of Marketing’s Faculty Mentoring Award.
Faculty Fellow, Marketing Strategy Consortium, Indiana University
Alok Kumar was named Faculty Fellow at the 2019 Marketing Strategy Consortium.
2019 S. Tamer Cavusgil Award, Journal of International Marketing
Blake Runnalls won the S. Tamer Cavusgil Award from the Journal of International Marketing
Nominated, Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award, Journal of Marketing
Amit Saini was nominated for the Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award.
Nominated and Initiated Faculty Member, Delta Sigma Pi, UNL
Blake Runnalls was initiated in Delta Sigma Pi.
Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, UNL Teaching Council and the UNL Parents Association
Jamie Hyodo won a Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students from the UNL Teaching Council and the UNL Parents Association.
Nominated, 2019-2020 College Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Business, UNL
Chad Mardesen was nominated for the College Excellence in Teaching Award.
Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. Student Matthew Hall received the Department of Marketing’s award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student.
Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. Student Matthew Hall received the Department of Marketing’s award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student.
Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. Student Aditya Gupta received the Department of Marketing’s award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student.
Faculty Mentoring Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, UNL
Dr. Alok Kumar won the Department of Marketing’s Faculty Mentoring Award.
Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, UNL Teaching Council and the UNL Parents Association
Chad Mardesen won a Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students from the UNL Teaching Council and the UNL Parents Association.
Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, UNL Teaching Council and the UNL Parents Association
Laura McLeod won a Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students from the UNL Teaching Council and the UNL Parents Association.
Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, UNL
Laura McLeod won the Department of Marketing’s Faculty Teaching Award.
Distinguished Research Award, College of Business, UNL
Sajeesh Sajeesh won the College’s Distinguished Research Award.
Faculty Research Award, Department of Marketing, College of Business, UNL
Sajeesh Sajeesh won the Department of Marketing’s Faculty Research Award.
Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. Student Aditya Gupta received the Department of Marketing’s award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student.
Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. Student Abby Nappier Cherup received the Department of Marketing’s award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student.
Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. Student Shilpa Somraj received the Department of Marketing’s Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student.
Fellow, American Academy of Advertising
Dr. Les Carlson was department’s representative at the American Academy of Advertising.
Nominated, 2017 College Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Business
Dr. Imran Khan was nominated for the College Excellence in Teaching Award.
Sidney J. Levy Award, Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) Conference
Dr. Andre Maciel was awarded the Sidney J. Levy Award at the Consumer Culture Theory Conference in Anaheim, California.
Nominated, 2017-2018 College Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Business Administration
Chad Mardesen was nominated for the College Excellence in Teaching Award.
Most Valuable Professor, Beta Theta Pi, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Chapter
Chad Mardesen was named the Most Valuable Professor for Beta Theta Pi.
Nominated, 2017 Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Business
Laura McLeod was nominated for the College Excellence in Teaching Award.
Awarded “Outstanding Professor”, UNL Delta Sigma Pi, Alpha Delta Chapter
Laura McLeod was awarded as the Outstanding Professor by UNL Delta Sigma Pi.
Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, UNL Teaching Council and the UNL Parents Association
Laura McLeod was awarded a Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students by the UNL Teaching Council and the UNL Parents Association.
Young Scholar Research Competition, Organizational Frontlines Research (OFR)
Dr. Blake Runnalls won the Young Scholar Research Competition at the OFR Symposium in Orlando, Florida
Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, UNL Teaching Council and the UNL Parents Association
Rob Simon was awarded a Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students by the UNL Teaching Council and the UNL Parents Association.
Winner, OFR Symposium Young Scholar Award
Dr. Sunil Singh was awarded the OFR Symposium Young Scholar Award in Orlando, Florida.
Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. Student Aditya Gupta received the Department of Marketing’s Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student.
Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. Student Matthew Hall received the Department of Marketing’s award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student.
Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Ph.D Student Abby Nappier Cherup received the Department of Marketing’s award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student.
Department of Marketing Faculty Research Award
Dr. Jim Gentry was awarded the Marketing Department’s Faculty Research Award.
George Fisk Award for the Best Conference Paper, Macromarketing
Dr. Jim Gentry received the George Fisk Award for the Best Conference Paper at the Macromarketing Conference.
Best Paper in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Track, Society for Marketing Advances Conference
Dr. Imran Khan was awarded the Best Paper in Logistice and Supply Chain Management at the 2016 Society for Marketing Advances Conference.
Best Special Session, Consumer Culture Theory Conference
Dr. Andre Maciel received the Best Special Session Award at the Consumer Culture Theory Conference in Lille, France.
Outstanding Article of the Year for 2015, Journal of Marketing Education
Rob Simon won the Outstanding Article of the Year for 2015 from the Journal of Marketing Education.
Department of Marketing Faculty Teaching Award
Rob Simon won the department’s Faculty Teaching Award.
Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. student Lynn Matthews won the department’s Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student.
Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. student Jen Skiba won the department’s Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student.
Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student
Lynn Matthews won the department’s Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student.
ISBM Ph.D. Camp
Ph.D. student Argha Sen was selected to attend the 2016 ISBM Ph.D. Camp.
AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow
Ph.D. student Arvind Agrawal was the department’s representative at the 2016 AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium hosted by University of Notre Dame.
Ph.D. Students Aditya Gupta and Matthew Hall received an Othmer Fellowship and Abby Napper Cherup received a Chancellor’s Fellowship.
Marketing Department Faculty Research Award
Dr. Alok Kumar was awarded the marketing department’s Faculty Research Award.
2014 Best Reviewer Award, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
Dr. Ravi Sohi received the Best Reviewer Award from the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management.
Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. student Arvind Agrawal received the Marketing Department’s Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student.
Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. student Lynn Matthews received the Marketing Department’s Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student.
Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. student Jenifer Skiba received the department’s Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student.
Finalist, Best Paper Award by a Doctoral Student, 40th Annual Macromarketing Conference
Ph.D. student Aditya Gupta was a finalist for the Best Paper Award by a Doctoral Student at the 40th Annual Macromarketing Conference.
AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow
Lynn Matthews was the department’s representative at the 2015 AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium hosted by London Business School.
Lynn Matthews and Aditya Gupta received an Othmer Fellowship, funded through Graduate Studies.
College of Business Distinguished Teaching Award (Tenure Track/Tenured Faculty)
Dr. Scott Friend was awarded the College of Business Distinguished Teaching Award.
College of Business Distinguished Research Award
Dr. Alok Kumar was awarded the College of Business Distinguished Research Award.
Department of Marketing Faculty Research Award
Dr. Alok Kumar was awarded the marketing department's Faculty Research Award.
College of Business Graduate Student Research Award
Ph.D. student Jessica Mikeska was awarded the College of Business Graduate Student Research Award.
Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Jenifer Skiba and Elise Harvey received the marketing department's Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student.
Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student
Joseph Matthes was award the marketing department’s Baker Award for Excellence Service by a Graduate Student.
AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow
Ph.D. student Jenifer Skiba was the department’s representative at the 2014 AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium hosted by Northwestern University.
ISBM Ph.D. Camp
Jenifer Skiba was selected to attend the 2014 ISBM Ph.D. Camp.
Elise Harvey, Jenifer Skiba and Lynn Phillips received an Othmer Fellowship and Arvind Agrawal and Mengzhu Ji received the Chancellor’s Fellowship. Both fellowships are funded thru Graduate Studies.
College of Business Graduate Student Teaching Award
Joseph Matthes received the College of Business Graduate Student Teaching Award.
College of Business Graduate Student Research Award
Jeff Johnson received the College of Business Graduate Student Research Award.
MBA Distance Teaching Award (co-winner)
Steve Welton was awarded the College of Business MBA Distance Teaching Award.
Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Joseph Matthes received the marketing department’s Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student.
Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Jessica Mikeska received the marketing department's Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student.
Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student
Shipra Gupta was award the marketing department's Baker Award for Excellence Service by a Graduate Student.
Carmen Award
Dr. Jim Gentry received the Carmen Award from the Macromarketing.
Best Article Award
Dr. Les Carlson received the Marketing Education Review Best Article Award,
Marketing Education Review Journal
Best Doctoral Paper
Shipra Gupta and Dr. Jim Gentry received the Best Doctoral Paper at the Collegiate Retailing Association Conference.
marketing department Faculty Research Award
Dr. Les Carlson was awarded the marketing department’s Faculty Research Award.
AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow
Ph.D. student Joseph Matthes was the department’s representative at the 2013 AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium hosted by the University of Michigan.
Elise Harvey and Jenifer Skiba received the Othmer Fellowship and Mengzhu Ji received the Chancellor’s Fellowship.
Louis W. Stern Award
Dr. Ravi Sohi received the 2012 Louis W. Stern Award by the American Marketing Association.
marketing department Faculty Research Award
Dr. Jim Gentry was awarded the marketing department's Faculty Research Award.
Outstanding Faculty Award
Dr. Scott Friend received the Outstanding Faculty Award from Delta Sigma Pi, the Nebraska business fraternity.
Contributions to Macromarketing
Dr. Jim Gentry was recognized for his contributions to macromarketing at the Macromarketing Conference in Berlin.
Presidential Fellowship
Ph.D. student Jeff Johnson received the Presidential Fellowship.
Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. student Jeff Johnson received the marketing department's Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student.
Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. students Joseph Matthes and Justine Rapp received the marketing department's Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student.
Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. student Jessica Mikeska received the marketing department's Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student.
College of Business Distinguished Service Award
Michelle Jacobs received the College of Business Distinguished Service Award.
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
Ph.D. student Justine Rapp received College of Business's Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award.
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award – Honorable Mention
Ph.D. student Joseph Matthes received Honorable Mention Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant from Nebraska's Graduate Studies.
AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow
Ph.D. student Jeff Johnson was the department's representative at the 2012 AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium hosted by University of Washington.
Jen Skiba received the Othmer Fellowship and Mengzhu Ji received the Chancellor's Fellowship. Both Fellowships are funded thru Graduate Studies.
Marketing department Faculty Research Award
Dr. Amit Saini was awarded the marketing department's Faculty Research Award.
College of Business Best Paper Award
Dr. Amit Saini received the Best Paper Award for his paper, "Governance Mechanisms in Business-to-Business Electronic Markets."
AMA Sales SIG Dissertation Award
Dr. Scott Friend received the AMA Sales SIG Dissertation Award.
Reviewer of the Year, Journal of Macromarketing
Dr. Jim Gentry was awarded the Journal of Macromarketing Reviewer of the Year.
Reviewer of the Year, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
Dr. Jim Gentry was awarded Reviewer of the Year by the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.
Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. student Shannon Cummins received the marketing department's Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student.
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
Ph.D. student Shannon Cummins received College of Business's Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award.
Presidential Fellowship
Ph.D. student Shannon Cummins received the Presidential Fellowship.
Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. students Shipra Gupta and Jeff Johnson received the marketing department's Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student.
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award – Honorable Mention
Ph.D. students Shannon Cummins, Shipra Gupta, and Jeff Johnson received Honorable Mention Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant from Nebraska's Graduate Studies.
Outstanding Graduate Research Assistant Award – Honorable Mention
Ph.D. student Justine Rapp received Honorable Mention Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant from Nebraska's Graduate Studies.
Othmer Fellowship
Ph.D. student Elise Johansen received the Othmer Fellowship. This Fellowship is funded thru Graduate Studies.
Contributions to Students Award, Nebraska
The UNL Parents Association and the Teaching Council asked Nebraska parents, in consultation with their sons and daughters, to recommend faculty and staff who should be recognized for this certificate. This is the twenty-first year for the faculty and staff "Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students." Dr. Ravi Sohi and Ph.D. student Jeff Johnson were recognized from the Department.
AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow
Ph.D. Student Justine Rapp was the department's representative at the 2011 AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium hosted by Oklahoma State University.
Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. student Justine Rapp received the marketing department's Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student.
Distinguished Teaching Award Nomination
Dr. Amit Saini was nominated for the College of Business Distinguished Teaching Award.
Marketing and Public Policy Doctoral Consortium Fellow
Ph.D. Student Justine Rapp was the selected as doctoral consortium fellow to the Marketing and Public Policy Doctoral Consortium.
Seacrest Faculty Award, College of Business, Nebraska
Dr. Dwayne Ball awarded the 2010 Seacrest Faculty Award by the Nebraska College of Business. James C. and Rhonda Seacrest have given money to the Dean of the College of Business to provide this award to College of Business faculty members for their outstanding teaching, research and outreach.
Shuler-Kistiakowsky Faculty Award, College of Business, Nebraska
Professor of Practice Rob Simon received the 2010 Shuler-Kistiakowsky Faculty Award from Nebraska's College of Business. Irma E. Shuler-Kistiakowsky has given money to the Dean of the College of Business to provide this award also to College of Business faculty members for outstanding teaching, research and outreach.
Kim Rotzoll Award for Advertising Ethics and Social Responsibility, American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference (March 2010)
Dr. Les Carlson received the Kim Rotzoll Award for Advertising Ethics and Social Responsibility from the American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference (March 2010). The award recognizes outstanding contributions to furthering the study and practice of ethical and socially responsible advertising and is given only to individuals or organizations who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to advertising ethics and social responsibility. The organization notes that this award must be based on evidence of lifetime achievement and has previously only been awarded five times before, including posthumously to the late Kim Rotzoll, after whom the award is named.
Graves-Leopold Award, College of Business, Nebraska (March 2010)
Dr. Ron Hampton was awarded the Graves-Leopold Award by Nebraska's College of Business. This award honors distinguished leadership in advancing teaching, research and service.
Charles C. Slater Award Best Article Award, Journal of Macromarketing (June 2010)
Dr. Dwayne Ball, Dr. Ron Hampton, and Nebraska alumni Dr. Julie Pennington were awarded the Charles C. Slater Ward Best Article Award by the Journal of Macromarketing for their paper, "The Cross-National Market in Human Beings" which appeared in the Journal of Macromarketing, Volume 29, Number 2, June 2009.
Best Reviewer Award, American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference (March 2010)
Dr. Les Carlson was awarded the American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference's Best Reviewer Award.
2010 Shelby D. Hunt Award for the most frequently cited article 2005-2010
Dr. Sandy Grossbart and Dr. Layton received the Shelby D. Hunt Award for the most frequently cited article 2005-2010.
Outstanding Leadership Award, AMA Student Chapter (2010)
Dr. Ron Hampton was awarded the Outstanding Leadership Award by the AMA Student Chapter.
Graduate Student Fellowship Recipients
Joseph Matthes received the Chancellor's Fellowship, funding provided by Graduate Studies.
Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. student Shannon Cummins received the marketing department's Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student.
Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. student Justine Rapp received the marketing department's Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student.
Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student
Ph.D. student Tim Reilly received the marketing department's Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student.
marketing department Faculty Research Award)
Dr. Dwayne Ball was awarded the marketing department's Faculty Research Award.
ACR Conference People's Choice Award, 2009
Tim Reilly, Dr. Jim Gentry and former Marketing PhD student, Rob Harrison, won the People's Choice Award for their video on Black Friday at the ACR Conference in Pittsburgh, PA.
President of the Academic Freedom Coalition of Nebraska, 2009
Dr. Dwayne Ball serves as President of the Academic Freedom Coalition of Nebraska.
American Academy of Advertising's Outstanding Contribution to Research Award, 2009
Dr. Les Carlson received the 2009 American Academy of Advertising's Outstanding Contribution to Research Award. A panel of five senior members of the Academy reviewed the nomination materials, and they were unanimous in selecting him to receive this award. He was noted for his contributions to advertising research that were characterized as impactful and extensive. In particular, they noted his contribution to research on advertising to children and the role of parental mediation, environmental issues and green advertising, service advertising, public policy issues, and the broader role of integrated marketing communication. The reviewers also cited the significant contribution Dr. Carlson has made to the field of advertising research as a journal editor and reviewer.
Contributions to Students Award, 2009
The UNL Parents Association and the Teaching Council asked Nebraska parents, in consultation with their sons and daughters, to recommend faculty and staff who should be recognized for this certificate. This is the twenty-first year for the faculty and staff "Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students." Ph.D. Candidates Shannon Cummins and Eddie Nowlin were recognized from the Department.
College of Business Graduate Research Assistant Award, 2009
Ph.D. Candidate Mike Krush received the 2008-2009 College of Business Graduate Research Assistant Award. Mike will be honored at the spring Honors Convocation ceremony.
Honorable Mention for the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, 2009
Graduate Studies awarded Ph.D. Candidate Mike Krush an Honorable Mention in recognition of his accomplishments and based off of his nominations for the Outstanding Graduate Research Assistant Award and the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award.
ISBM Dissertation Award, 2008
Ph.D. Candidate Mike Krush, received one of three ISBM Dissertation Awards. Dissertation competition entries are judged on the rigor of the proposed work and the relevance of that work to B2B marketing practice. The winners each received grants of $7500 to support their research. The ISBM dissertation support award competition has supported outstanding B2B dissertation work since its inception in 1991.
View details on the 2008 competition and a list of past winners
Layman's Award, 2009
Dr. Amit Saini received a Layman's Award from Nebraska for 2008-2009.
Committee to Select the Winner of the Louis W. Stern Award, 2009
Dr. Ravi Sohi was invited to serve on a three person committee to select the winner of the 2009 Louis W. Stern Award. This award is given by the American Marketing Association to an article that has made the most significant contribution to the literature on marketing channels and distribution within the last eight years.
College of Business Distinguished Teaching Award, 2009
The College of Business Scholarships, Honors, and Awards Committee has selected Dr. Ravi Sohi to receive the 2008-2009 College of Business Distinguished Teaching Award. His name has also been forwarded to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the University Distinguished Teaching Award.
AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Representative, 2009
Ph.D. Student Shannon Cummins was the department's representative at the 2009 AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium hosted by Georgia State University.
Faculty Research Award, 2008
Dr. Dwayne Ball and Dr. Jim Gentry were recipients of the department's 2007-2008 Faculty Research Award.
Review Board Member for the Academy of Marketing Science Review, 2008
Dr. Dwayne Ball was a review board member for the Academy of Marketing Science Review (electronic).
Review Board Member for the Journal of Services Marketing, 2008
Dr. Dwayne Ball was an editorial review board member for the Journal of Services Marketing.
Member of the Academic Program Council of UNL, 2008
Dr. Dwayne Ball was a member of the Academic Program Council of UNL, which reviews and approves all new academic programs and changes to program university-wide.
President of Phi Beta Delta, 2008
Dr. Dwayne Ball was President of Phi Beta Delta international honorary society UNL Chapter.
Member of the Gallup Research Center Board of Fellows, 2008
Dr. Dwayne Ball was a member of the Gallup Research Center Board of Fellows.
Elected Chair of the College of Business General Committee, 2008
Dr. Dwayne Ball was the elected chair of the College of Business General Committee and sits on the Dean's executive committee.
Board Member ACLU of Nebraska, 2008
Dr. Dwayne Ball was a board member ACLU of Nebraska.
Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference Best Paper Award, 2008
At the Society for Marketing Advances 2008 Annual Conference, Dr. Les Carlson received the best paper award in the advertising track for co-authoring the paper, "Antecedents to Intent to Donate for Non-Profits Employing Print Advertisements."
Journal of Advertising
's Best Article Award, 2008
Dr. Les Carlson co-authored the paper that received the
Journal of Advertising
's best article award for 2007, awarded March 2008.
Immediate Past President of the American Academy of Advertising, 2008
Dr. Les Carlson served as the Immediate Past President of the American Academy of Advertising.
Baker Award for Excellence in Service, 2008
Ph.D. Candidate Shannon Cummins received the Department of Marketing Baker Award for Excellence in Service.
Editor of the Journal of Consumer Behavior, 2008
Dr. Jim Gentry served as the North American editor of the Journal of Consumer Behavior.
Macromarketing Conference on Consumption, Materialism, and Society Track Co-Chair, 2008
Dr. Jim Gentry co-chaired a track for the 2008 Macromarketing Conference on Consumption, Materialism, and Society.
Masculinity in Consumer and Marketing Research Track Chair, 2008
Dr. Jim Gentry chaired a track on Masculinity in Consumer and Marketing Research.
Editor of the
Academy of Marketing Science Review
, 2008
Dr. Jim Gentry served as Editor of the
Academy of Marketing Science Review
North American Editor of the
Journal of Consumer Behaviour
, 2008
Dr. Jim Gentry served as North American Editor of the
Journal of Consumer Behaviour
International Scholar of the Year Award, 2008
Dr. Ron Hampton and Craig MacPhee received the International Scholar of the Year Award for 2008 from Phi Beta Delta, international honorary society. This award recognizes them for their decades-long commitment to creating international business education programs and international research.
College of Business Distinguished Teaching Award, 2008
Dr. Ron Hampton received the 2007-2008 College of Business Distinguished Teaching Award.
College Distinguished Teaching Award, 2008
Dr. Ron Hampton received a 2008 College Distinguished Teaching Award in honor of his outstanding teaching ability and dedication to student learning. He was recognized during the University Honors Convocation. This award is presented by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Office.
College of Business Distinguished Faculty Award, 2008
Dr. Ron Hampton received the 2008 College of Business Distinguished Faculty Award from the College of Business Advisory Board.
Excellence in Teaching Award, 2008
Ph.D. Candidate Rob Harrison received the Department of Marketing Excellence in Teaching Award.
College of Business Distinguished Service Award, 2008
Michelle Jacobs received the 2007-2008 College of Business Distinguished Service Award in the Managerial/Professional category.
USDA-CSREES Grant, 2008
Dr. Pat Kennedy was involved with a USDA-CSREES grant, "Marketing Rural Communities to Attract and Retain Workers."
USDA Grant Study on Childhood Obesity, 2008
Dr. Pat Kennedy continued work on her three-year USDA grant study on childhood obesity. This study examineds how the advertising of foods in schools, online and on TV affects children's eating choices and contributes to rising childhood obesity rates.
Editorial Board for the
Sports Marketing Quarterly
, 2008
Dr. Pat Kennedy served on the Editorial Board for the
Sports Marketing Quarterly
Vice-Chair Membership for the AMA Sports & Special Events Marketing SIG, 2008
Dr. Pat Kennedy was elected Vice-Chair Membership for the AMA Sports & Special Events Marketing SIG.
Chair of the College's Academic Planning Committee, 2008
Dr. Pat Kennedy was elected Chair of the college's Academic Planning Committee.
Phillippe Fellowship, 2008
Ph.D. Candidate Mike Krush received the 2008-2009 Phillippe Fellowship.
AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Representative, 2008
Ph.D. Candidate Mike Krush was the department's representative at the 2008 AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium hosted by University of Missouri-Columbia.
Excellence in Research Award, 2008
Ph.D. Candidate Mike Krush received the Department of Marketing Excellence in Research Award.
ISBM Doctoral Dissertation Award Competition Finalist, 2008
Ph.D. Candidate Mike Krush's dissertation proposal has been selected as one of the finalists for the 2008 ISBM Doctoral Dissertation Award Competition. ISBM is the Institute for the Study of Business Markets at Penn State that funds B2B research. This is a very prestigious award for strategy/B2B dissertations. Award winners receive up to $7500 for dissertation expenses.
College of Business Graduate Research Assistant Award, 2008
Ph.D. Candidate Clinton Lanier received the 2007-2008 College of Business Graduate Research Assistant Award.
AMA Sales SIG Dissertation Proposal Competition Award Winner, 2008
Ph.D. Candidate Eddie Nowlin was one of the four winners of the 2007 AMA Sales SIG Dissertation Proposal competition. He received a cash award of $2500 and made a presentation at a special session during the 2008 AMA Winter Educators' Conference.
AMS/Sheth Foundation MDSA Fellowship, 2008
Ph.D. Candidate Eddie Nowlin received the AMS/Sheth Foundation MDSA Fellowship.
College of Business Gradaute Teaching Assistant Award, 2008
Ph.D. Candidate Julie Pennington received the 2007-2008 College of Business Gradaute Teaching Assistant Award.
Contributions to Students Award, 2008
The UNL Teaching Council and the UNL Parents Association recognize faculty or staff members who have "made a difference" in the lives of students. Each November the Parents Association asks parents of Nebraska students to consult their sons and daughters and to nominate a teacher who "has made a significant contribution to their lives while at UNL." Ph.D. Candidate Julie Pennington was recognized from the marketing department for 2007-2008.
Othmer Fellowship, 2008
Ph.D. Candidate Tim Reilly received the Othmer Fellowship, which is renewable for up to three years.
Session Chair and Discussant at the AMA Winter Educators' Conference, 2008
Dr. Amit Saini served as a session chair and session discussant at the 2008 AMA Winter Educators' Conference in Austin, Texas.
Co-chair of the Sales and Relationship Marketing Track at the Winter AMA Educators' Conference, 2008
Dr. Ravi Sohi co-chaired the Sales and Relationship Marketing Track at the 2008 Winter AMA Educators' Conference with Dr. Jagdip Singh.
Associate Editor for the International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 2008
Dr. Ravi Sohi was appointed as the Associate Editor (Marketing) for the International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences.
Grant from the International Organization of Migration (IOM) on Human Trafficking in Ukraine, 2007
Julie Pennington, Dr. Dwayne Ball, Julia Soulakova and Dr. Ron Hampton continude with Phase II of a grant from the International Organization of Migration (IOM) on Human Trafficking in Ukraine. Their first report received controversial reviews from various organizations within Ukraine.
Co-investigator of an On-Going Grant, 2007
Dr. Dwayne Ball, was co-investigator of an on-going grant, of about $85,000 to study the prediction of customer loyalty through a service incidents in several industries in Portugal.
Editorial Board of the
Journal of Services Marketing
, 2007
Dr. Dwayne Ball was on the editorial board of the
Journal of Services Marketing
Ad-hoc Reviewer, 2007
Dr. Dwayne Ball was an ad-hoc reviewer for the
Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Advertising
, and
AMS Review
Officer of the Market Research Special Interest Group of the AMA, 2007
Dr. Dwayne Ball served his 11th year as an officer of the Market Research Special Interest Group of the AMA.
Contributions to Students Award, 2007
The UNL Teaching Council and the UNL Parents Association have recognized faculty or staff members who have "made a difference" in the lives of students. Each November the Parents Association asked parents of Nebraska students to consult their sons and daughters and to nominate a teacher who "has made a significant contribution to their lives while at Nebraska." Lance Cummins-Brown, Dr. Amit Saini, Dr. Ravi Sohi, and Kathleen Zumpfe all received the award for the 2006-2007 academic year.
Larson Fellowship, 2007
Ph.D. Candidate Shannon Cummins received the Larson Fellowship (renewable for a second year).
Presidential Fellowship, 2007
Ph.D. Candidate Amber Epp received the Presidential Fellowship.
Excellence in Teaching Award, 2007
Ph.D. Candidate Aubrey Fowler received the Department of Marketing Excellence in Teaching Award.
Excellence in Graduate Education Award from Graduate Studies, 2007
Dr. Jim Gentry received one of two 2007 Excellence in Graduate Education Awards from Graduate Studies. Jim received his award at the Graduate Studies Awards Reception on January 25.
Othmer Fellowship, 2007
Ph.D. Candidate Yaowei Hao received the Othmer Fellowship (renewable up to three years).
Baker Award for Excellence in Service, 2007
Ph.D. Candidate Mike Krush received the Department of Marketing Baker Award for Excellence in Service.
Fling Fellowship, 2007
Ph.D. Candidate Clinton Lanier received the Fling Fellowship.
AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Representative, 2007
Ph.D. Candidate Clinton Lanier was the department's representative at the 2007 AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium hosted by Arizona State University.
Excellence in Research Award, 2007
Ph.D. Candidate Clinton Lanier received the Department of Marketing Excellence in Research Award.
College of Business Distinguished Teaching Award, 2007
Dr. Amit Saini was selected to receive the 2006-2007 College of Business Distinguished Teaching Award in honor of his outstanding teaching ability and dedication to student learning. Dr. Saini was recognized during the University Honors Convocation.
Excellence in Teaching Award Nomination, 2007
Rob Simon and Kathleen Zumpfe were nominated for the 2006-2007 Excellence in Teaching Award for non-tenure track faculty.
AMA Outstanding Faculty Advisor, 2007
Rob Simon received the AMA Outstanding Faculty Advisor for 2006-2007. This award was given to Nebraska at the International Collegiate AMA Conference in New Orleans on March 31. The award was only given to two advisors nationwide.
Fellowship Recipients, 2007
Ph.D. Candidate Se Hoon Lee received the Chancellor's Fellowship (renewable for a second year); and Ph.D. Candidate Mike Krush is finishing up year three of his Othmer Fellowship. All of these fellowships are provided by Nebraska's Office of Graduate Studies. Only a small amount number of these fellowships are awarded campus-wide each year, and the department has received them for several years.
James A. Lake Academic Freedom Award, 2006
Dr. Dwayne Ball was the recipient of the 2006 James A. Lake Academic Freedom Award given by the UNL Faculty Senate. The award recognizes an individual who has made exceptional contributions through his or her acts to defending, supporting, and explaining the applications and practice of the principles of Academic Freedom.
Read Dr. Ball's presentation upon receiving his award
New York Times Magazine
Feature, 2006
Dr. Dwayne Ball and Dr. Ron Hampton were featured in
New York Times Magazine
. They were interviewed for some of the interesting consumer behavior research they have been doing.
Editorial Advisory Board,
Journal of Services Marketing
, 2006
Dr. Dwayne Ball served on the Editorial Advisory Board,
Journal of Services Marketing
Officer of the Market Research Special Interest Group of the AMA, 2006
Dr. Dwayne Ball served his 10th year as an officer of the Market Research Special Interest Group of the AMA.
College of Business Graduate Student Research Award, 2006
Ph.D. candidate Amber Epp won the College of Business Graduate Student Research Award for 2006.
Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student, 2006
Ph.D. candidate Amber Epp was the recipient of the marketing department's Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student, 2005 – 2006.
Mabel J. Reichenbach Fellowship, 2006
Ph.D. candidate Amber Epp received the Mabel J. Reichenbach Fellowship for the 2006 – 2007 academic year.
Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board at UNL Professor of the Month Award, 2006
Ph.D. candidate Amber Epp was recognized by the Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board at UNL as Professor of the Month in September.
Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student, 2006
Ph.D. candidate Aubrey Fowler received the Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student, 2005 – 2006.
North American Editor of the
Journal of Consumer Behavior
, 2006
Dr. Jim Gentry served as the North American editor of the
Journal of Consumer Behavior
Editor of the
AMS Review
, 2006
Dr. Jim Gentry served as the editor of the
AMS Review
Pinnacle Bank Faculty Award, 2006
Dr. Pat Kennedy received the 2006 Pinnacle Bank Faculty Award.
Secretary-Treasurer for the Sports Marketing Association, 2006
Dr. Pat Kennedy served as the Secretary-Treasurer for the Sports Marketing Association.
Editorial Board for
The Sports Marketing Quarterly
, 2006
Dr. Pat Kennedy served on the Editorial Board for
The Sports Marketing Quarterly
Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student, 2006
Ph.D. candidate Julie Pennington received the Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student, 2005 – 2006.
Seacrest Fellow, 2006
Dr. Ravi Sohi was selected as a 2005-2006 Seacrest Fellow.
American Marketing Association-Sheth Doctoral Consortuium, 2006
Ph.D. candidate Amber Epp represented Nebraska at the 2006 American Marketing Association-Sheth Doctoral Consortium.
Officer of the Market Research Special Interest Group of the AMA, 2005
Dr. Dwayne Ball served his 9th year as an officer of the Market Research Special Interest Group of the AMA.
Gerald L. Phillippe Fellowship, 2005
Ph.D. candidate Maia Beruchashvili received the Gerald L. Phillippe Fellowship.
Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student, 2005
Ph.D. candidate Maia Beruchashvili received the Department of Marketing Award for Excellence in Research by a Graduate Student.
Hazel V. Emley Fellowship, 2005
Ph.D. candidate Amber Epp received the Hazel V. Emley Fellowship.
Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student, 2005
Ph.D. candidate Amber Epp received the Department of Marketing Baker Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Student.
Journal of Macromarketing
Slater Award, 2005
Journal of Macromarketing
awarded its Slater Award to Dr. Stacey Baker (University of Wyoming), Dr. Jim Gentry, and Dr. Terri Rittenburg (University of Wyoming) for their article, "Building Understanding of the Domain of Consumer Vulnerability." The article, published in the December 2005
Journal of Macromarketing
was recognized for being the best article in the journal in the period 2004-2006.
Best Paper Award in the Public Policy and Ethical Issues Track at the American Marketing Association Summer Educator's Conference, 2005
Ph.D. candidate Clinton Lanier and Dr. Amit Saini's paper, "Customer Privacy Protection: An Ethical Orientation and Marketing Control Perspective," received the best paper award in the Public Policy and Ethical Issues track at the 2005 Summer Educator's Conference of the American Marketing Association.
Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student, 2005
Ph.D. candidate Clinton Lanier received the Department of Marketing Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student.
Presidential Graduate Fellowship, 2005
Ph.D. candidate Risto Moisio received the Presidential Graduate Fellowship for the 2005-2006 academic year.
College of Business Graduate Student Research Award, 2005
Ph.D. candidate Risto Moisio received the College of Business Graduate Student Research Award.
University Graduate Research Assistant Award, 2005
Ph.D. candidate Risto Moisio received the University Graduate Research Assistant Award for 2005. Competition for this award is open to graduate students from every field of study at the university.
The Harold and Esther Edgerton Junior Faculty Award, 2005
Dr. Amit Saini received the Harold and Esther Edgerton Junior Faculty Award for 2005-2006. This award is presented each year to honor an outstanding Junior Faculty Member who has demonstrated creative research, extraordinary teaching abilities, and academic promise. This award provides a strong incentive for pre-tenured faculty to expand their expertise and enhance learning at Nebraska. Dr. Saini will be known as the Harold and Esther Edgerton Assistant Professor for the two years of the award.
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