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Achievements for February 2022

Achievements for February 2022
College of Business faculty, students and staff continue to excel in fulfilling the college's mission to drive discovery, create opportunity and empower individuals to lead the future of business.

Learn more about recent honors, appointments and publications at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln College of Business in this month's achievements column. The achievements of faculty, staff and students are grouped within the college’s three mission-focused goals of research + discovery, learning + transformation and connection + engagement.

Research + Discovery
  • Kathryn Maresh, assistant professor of practice in accountancy, discussed what people should know about cryptocurrency when filing taxes in a Jan. 27 segment on 10/11 NOW. Read the story.
  • Blake Runnalls, assistant professor of marketing, and Troy Smith, co-authored an article titled, "Gains and Losses: Week-to-Week Changes in Leader-Follower Relationships," that was recently accepted to the Academy of Management Journal. Their research reveals how week-to-week improvements (i.e., gains) in leader-employee relationship quality produce more positive feelings among employees (but not less negative feelings), while week-to-week reductions (i.e., losses) in relationship quality result in employees’ experiencing more negative feelings (but not less positive feelings), with the relative impact of losses being much stronger than the impact of gains from week-to-week. Inversely, they found that when leader-follower relationship quality was unchanged, high relationship quality increased positive feelings and decreased negative feelings. The article challenges current theory by showing that newcomers and veteran employees alike experience changes in leader-employee relationship quality from week to week.
  • Jennifer Ryan, department chair and professor of supply chain management and analytics and Van Horne Family Endowed Chair, offered insight on the current state of supply chains for KFOR radio on the January 13 broadcast of Lincoln Live. She discusses what has and has not changed for supply chain management since the pandemic began. Listen to the podcast. Lincoln Live On Demand - KFOR FM 103.3 1240 AM (
  • Ryan also appeared on Nebraska Public Media’s “Speaking of Nebraska” program Jan. 27. The program’s topic was possible solutions to Nebraska’s labor shortage. Watch the TV segment.
  • Erkut Sönmez, associate professor of supply chain management and analytics, appeared in a Jan. 20 KMTV story talking about how recent package thefts during transportation is becoming more common during the current supply chain crisis and how the problem impacts consumers. Watch the TV segment or read the transcript.
  • Eric Thompson, department chair, K.H. Nelson College Professor of Economics and director of Bureau of Business Research, was cited in a Jan. 21 Flatwater Free Press article on Nebraska prison employees’ overtime pay during the past fiscal year. That 100 of those employees made more than half their base salary in overtime last year is a testament to the need for qualified workers, he said. Read the story.
  • Yunxia (Peter) Zhu, associate professor of supply chain management and analytics program director of master of science in business analytics, discussed supply chain issues facing the trucking industry on a Jan. 18 segment on KMTV. Zhu also shared insight about how new Commercial Driver's License requirements could impact the industry, which is experiencing a driver shortage of 80,000 drivers. Watch or read the interview.
Learning + Transformation
  • The MBA@Nebraska program jumped five spots to No. 8 among top online MBA programs in the latest ranking by The Princeton Review. Read the College of Business story.
  • Twelve business students received Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarships to support credit-bearing study abroad, internship abroad or virtual international opportunities between May 1, 2021, and April 30, 2022. The Gilman is a nationally competitive scholarship awarded twice a year by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered by the Institute of International Education. College of Business recipients plan to study in Denmark, France, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Spain, United Kingdom and Zambia. For individual student information, read the Nebraska Today story.
  • A team of business students represented Nebraska in the National Diversity Case Competition, Jan. 14-15. The following students created a solution for 3M, the competition's corporate sponsor: Pyper Haarala, actuarial science and finance major from Omaha; Emily Inda, international business and supply chain management major from Mukwonago, Wisconsin; Elijah Merritt, supply chain management major from Omaha; and Linh Tran, marketing major from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Connection + Engagement
  • Ravi Agarwal, received a Dean's Coin for going above and beyond to help others in the College of Business. His nominator said, "Ravi helped me a lot during the start of school. He provided help with logistics, picking classes and also supported my mental health."
  • Hassib Latifi, sophomore accounting and finance major from Omaha, Nebraska, and formerly Kabul, Afghanistan, was honored as the Student of the Month by the Nebraska Business Student Advisory Board. He brought a spirit of service to Nebraska, where he serves others while taking a full courseload. When he needs help, he visits professors during office hours and takes advantage of free resources like the writing center who help him attain his goal of becoming an accountant to help others.
This column is a monthly feature of the College of Business. Faculty, staff and students can submit achievements to be considered for this column via the News Proposal Form at the bottom of webpage. On the form, select Recognize Achievement and fill out the related questions.
Published: February 4, 2022