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University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Faculty and Staff

Thank you for being our partner in Nebraska Business students’ career and professional success.
Here are some ways we can help you and your students.

Refer Students

Career Coaches are available weekdays during 20-minute drop-ins from 1-4 p.m. or by appointment from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. to discuss career-related topics.

Schedule an Appointment on Student Success Hub.

Topics can include: Resumes, cover letters, practice interviews, networking, job search strategies, internships, and major/career exploration.

Request a Presentation

Request a presentation and give students compelling career information if you must cancel class or want to supplement your course content.

Examples of Tailored Presentations
  • Advanced LinkedIn
  • Branding
  • International Internships
  • Internships and Jobs in Sports
  • Internships in Finance
  • Job Search for International Students
  • Networking
  • Effective use of AI

Please provide two weeks notice to ensure availability. While special arrangements can be accommodated, our staff are typically available weekdays, 8 a.m.-7 p.m.

The Business Career Center works with many employers who enjoy speaking to classes. Contact Laura Niles or the Business Career Center if you would like help identifying employer contacts. We cannot guarantee employers will be available, but we will do our best to connect faculty with employers. Employers can:

  • Talk for 5-50 minutes about their organization/opportunities
  • Present a case study
  • Teach/present about a topic being covered in class

Classroom presentation by BCC staff

Student Outcomes

The Business Career Center shares statistics and information about future plans of College of Business students. Visit the Outcomes webpage to see accomplishments, employers, wages and locations of graduates and interns.

Student Outcomes


Handshake is a resource for students to search for and apply for internships, co-ops, part-time and full-time jobs.

Handshake - Student Career Connections

Learn More About Handshake

Share a Job
or Internship

When employers contact you, our staff are glad to help promote their opportunities and discuss additional ways to connect with the College of Business and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

There are ethical and legal issues to be considered regarding college student recruitment. Consult these resources for professional guidelines: NACE Faculty Guide to Ethical and Legal Standards in Hiring.

Internship Meaning and Definition: A NACE Guide
University of Nebraska Job Offer Guidelines

Connect With Employers

Employers appreciate connecting with faculty and staff to share information about their organizations and industries. These connections may help faculty and staff for classroom presentations or site visits.

Employer in Residence

A different employer is featured each day throughout the school year. Employers may have a booth, provide a lunch and learn, or connect in other ways.

Employer Partners Day

Employer Partners Day allows employers to hear College updates and learn about recruitment trends. Faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in any aspect of the program. At the event, the Sue Vagts Faculty/Staff of the Year award is presented.

Previous winners of the Sue Vagts Faculty/Staff of the Year award:
2024 - Rob Simon
2023 - Lindsay Thomsen
2022: Kay Maresh
2021: Heather Clemens
2020: Laura McLeod
2019: Clyde Davis
2018: Richard DeFusco
2017: Aaron Crabtree
2016: Sue Vagts

2022 winner Kay Maresh

Engage With the Professional Enhancement Program (PrEP)

PrEP is a series of four one-credit hour pass/no pass courses designed to develop confident, professional, and connected students for lifelong career success. PrEP’s unique and innovative four-year curriculum prepares business students not only to successfully find an internship or full-time job, but succeed in their career and personal life after college. All students who enter the College of Business are required to take and pass the four PrEP courses.

How to Get Involved
  • Assist students in identifying the marketable skills they are gaining in your courses
  • Communicate the importance of critical self-reflection and early career engagement
  • Provide referrals to students looking for an alumni or professional to interview for their Informational Interview assignment
  • Connect with students on LinkedIn to help expand their network
  • Attend the career fair to increase employer connections and support the students attending
  • Communicate the importance of gaining experience through internships and developing strong application materials