Notable Courses
To earn your bachelor’s degree in supply chain management through the College of Business, you will take 120 credit hours of courses, equating to four or five courses per semester, on average.
Decision Making Models (SCMA 335)
Learn and develop optimization models to make better operational decisions in transportation and distribution networks, production and inventory planning and scheduling.
Enterprise Management Systems (SCMA 431)
Discover how advances in information and communication technologies transform businesses and their operations. Leverage advanced technologies to design and operate smart and innovative enterprises.
Global Sourcing and Distribution (SCMA 439)
Apply the strategies and tools of supply chain management on a global trade scale. Learn best practices used to locate, develop, qualify and employ suppliers.
Supply Chain Logistics Management (SCMA 444)
Design cost-efficient distribution networks to satisfy customer expectations for product delivery. Key logistical functions, including facility network design, processing, inventory management, transportation, warehousing and packaging.
Introduction to Predictive Analytics (SCMA 451)
Explore advanced methods for data analysis and modeling to make predictions and develop automated decision-making structures. Tools for data, databases and reports from analytic models.
Strategic Supply Chain Management (SCMA 474)
Engage in real-world supply chain management projects and work with local and regional companies to improve supply chain operations and provide strategic insights.