Learn more about recent honors, appointments and publications at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln College of Business in this month's achievements column. The achievements of faculty, staff and students are grouped within the college’s three mission-focused goals of research + discovery, learning + transformation and connection + engagement.
Research + Discovery
- Wesley Boyce, assistant professor of practice in supply chain management and analytics and program director of master of science in supply chain management, participated in an interview July 19 for the weekly news show The Big Deal on MarketScale.com to share his expertise, discussing the potential UPS strike and why a strike would affect the supply chain and economy as a whole. Hear the interview.
- John Dannenbring, lecturer of finance, shared financial advice in WalletHub on best practices for students seeking their first credit cards and how to manage credit wisely. Read the article.
- Laura Poppo, Donald O. and Shirley Clifton Chair in Leadership and professor of management, and her co-authors' research, "How Should Strangers Initiate a Cooperative Exchange? A Grounded Theory of Relational Bands," was judged to be one of the best papers in the program for the 83rd annual meeting of the Academy of Management in August in Boston. Their research studied how artists and art dealers decide whether to work together. They found that shared benefits are necessary but not sufficient to initiate this decision, which also depends on relational quality. Their paper will be published in the Proceedings of the 2023 Academy of Management Meeting. Read the research article.
The Business Career Center (BCC) awarded its 2023 Sue Vagts Faculty/Staff Partner of the Year to Lindsay Thomsen, assistant professor of practice in management and director of business development in the Nebraska Center for Entrepreneurship.
The BCC awarded its 2023 Employer of the Year to Assurity.
Learning + Transformation
- Nine faculty members at the College of Business earned promotions for the 2023-24 academic year. Promoted from assistant professor to associate professor: , accountancy; Brian Baugh, finance; Todd Thornock, accountancy; Liying Wang, finance; Biyu Wu, accountancy; and Shengchao Zhuang, actuarial science. Promoted from associate professor to professor: Edward Balistreri, economics; and Alok Kumar, marketing. Promoted from assistant professor of practice to associate professor of practice: Shane Moser, finance.
- The Nebraska Business Honors Academy selected 40 high-achieving students for the fall cohort. Comprising the academy's 11th cohort, the students come from nine U.S. states and 12 Nebraska communities, and two countries. Read the College of Business story.
- Eric M. Van Horn, a May 2023 MBA graduate originally from Washington, D.C., was quoted in a Poets&Quants article about how an online MBA differs from a traditional classroom. Read the article.
Connection + Engagement
- The Business Career Center (BCC) hosted Employer Partners Day on July 31. Assurity won the 2023 Employer of the Year award, which honors an organization that has gone above and beyond to collaborate with the BCC in its commitment to business students’ career development. Lindsay Thomsen, assistant professor of practice in management and director of business development for the Center for Entrepreneurship, was named the Sue Vagts Faculty/Staff Partner of the Year. Thomsen was recognized for building relationships with employers and enhancing career development, education and opportunities to help business students succeed.
- The new College of Business partnership focus program with Lincoln Public Schools' Standing Bear High School was mentioned in a Lincoln Journal Star article about the building and programs in the new school that opens in Lincoln in August. Read the article.
This column is a monthly feature of the College of Business. Faculty, staff and students can submit achievements to be considered for this column via the News Proposal Form at the bottom of https://business.unl.edu webpage. On the form, select Recognize Achievement and fill out the related questions.
Published: August 4, 2023