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University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Curriculum Resources

In order for today’s students to become tomorrow’s effective citizens, workers and entrepreneurs they must have a firm and sound understanding of economics and personal finance. Teachers and school districts often lack the resources to purchase materials that are specifically designed to introduce these into the classroom. The Nebraska Council on Economic Education (NCEE) offers high quality curriculum to teachers at a discount or free of charge. Each of these teacher resources is nationally recognized for educational excellence.

Please contact us for additional information on obtaining any of these materials.

Personal Finance Resources Economics Resources

Personal Finance Resources

Full Semester Personal Finance Course

Personal Finance Course

We hope you can utilize this course to teach personal finance with confidence, at no cost to you! The course is designed and paced to be administered as a semester-long course, using 9 modules.

Visit Personal Finance Course


EconEdLink logo

EconEdLink offers hundreds of free personal finance and economics lesson plans, videos, activities, tools, and more for K-12 teachers and their students.

Visit EconEdLink

Financial Fitness for Life®

Financial Fitness for Life® logo

Financial Fitness for Life® (FFFL) is a comprehensive personal finance curriculum for K-12 students that teaches students how to make thoughtful, well-informed decisions about important aspects of personal finance, such as earning income, spending, saving, borrowing, investing, and managing money. Great lessons and a student workbook.

If you are interested in anything from the CEE store, we get a 35% discount which we will pass on to our Nebraska schools. Please contact for assistance with ordering.
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Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau These Consumer Financial Protection Bureau resources align activities with each standard from both the Nebraska BMIT Personal Finance course and the Economics social studies standards. There is at least one activity per indicator.

Economics Activities K-12 Personal Finance (Accounting) Activities K-12

Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF)

Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF): Check out the website that more than 500 Nebraska teachers are using in their personal finance classrooms. Find engaging Arcade games, personal finance lessons, activities and interactives. Participate in PD opportunities that range from one-hour live events to asynchronous on-demand modules and earn gift cards and swag.

Visit Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF)

Intuit for Education

Intuit for Education:Intuit for Education is a free and flexible financial literacy platform for high school students that offers real-world tools to get them excited about finances and build their financial confidence. The tax preparation simulation is of particular interest.

Visit Intuit for Education

Econ Lowdown

Econ Lowdown: is a free product from the St. Louis Fed, has hundreds of teacher-approved resources for teaching economics and personal finance.

Visit Econ Lowdown

Federal Reserve Education

Federal Reserve Education: Learn more about the Reserve Bank in your area, access and order classroom resources available in print, and connect with events and programs for educators, students, and the public.

Visit Federal Reserve Education

Economics Resources

Ethics, Economics, and Social Issues

Personal Finance Course

Help your students to think critically about ethical issues and understand why ideas of right and wrong are vital to economic decision making. In this series, students create and support an argument for or against a sweatshop boycott using primary and secondary sources. Consider perspectives related to whether or not businesses have a social responsibility during a simulation, primary source discussion, and creating a marketing pitch for a company’s board of directors. Play the roles of doctors and patients, demonstrating the motives of self-interest, duty, and character in economic transactions. Learn how their bias impacts their decision-making and research.

Visit Curriculum

Marginal Revolution University

Marginal Revolution University is on a mission to provide a world-class economics education to everyone, everywhere for free. At the end of the day, we’re all learners, so whether you’re a student, instructor, or generally curious (aren’t we all?), Marginal Revolution University promises to:

  • Develop your inner economist with engaging, thought-provoking ways of looking at everyday problems
  • Entertain you! No boring lectures here. Be prepared to laugh, ponder, and actually want to learn econ
  • Cut through the noise to bring you viewpoints from top experts in their field

Visit MRU

Nebraska Entrepreneur

Nebraska Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship In Your Community: Creating Your Own Career
  • Economics lessons for secondary teachers

  • Jamie Wagner, Jennifer Davidson, Sydney Kobza, Matthew Pierson, Gigi Wolf

  • Sponsored by Centris, Omaha Center for Economic Education, Nebraska Council on Economic Education

Download Curriculum

High School Economics

Teaching Economics in Grades 9-12? We can help with all new edition of High School Economics.

This new and revised edition will bring economic concepts to life!

  • Updated to include more contemporary references that highlight new challenges in a world that has changed significantly since the 2nd edition 11 years ago
  • Redesigned to meet the needs of today's students and reflects current economic thinking
  • Integrates more macroeconomics and international economics lessons including materials on topics such as GDP, unemployment, inflation, and trade.
  • Field-tested and aligned with Voluntary National Content Standards in Economics and Common Core State Standards (ELA and Math)
  • Select lessons feature interactive online activities that connect to and extend the lessons both in class and as self-guided homework activities
  • All lessons employ an active-learning approach that brings economic concepts to life for students

If you are interested in anything from the CEE store, we get a 35% discount which we will pass on to our Nebraska schools. Please contact for assistance with ordering.
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Economics in Action

What happens when you combine simulations, role-playing activities and mystery-based lesson plans with economics? The answer is simple: your students actually learn the concepts.

Put economics to work in your classroom with 14 tried-and-true lesson plans, and have your students actively master concepts like trade, money, opportunity cost, scarcity and inflation quickly and all while having fun.

Each lesson plan in this timeless teacher guide includes teaching procedures (and yes these are step-by-step and super easy to follow too, so econ newbies have no fear), content standards that you'll cover, and reproducible activities and visuals hot off the press and ready to use in seconds.

If you are interested in anything from the CEE store, we get a 35% discount which we will pass on to our Nebraska schools. Please contact for assistance with ordering.
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Sesquicentennial Resource Site

Virtual Capitol

Classrooms of students regularly visit the Nebraska State Capitol each year. The Virtual Capitol Tour is a computer website created by Nebraska Educational Television (NET) that provides the ability to explore the Capitol in amazing detail from any classroom with an internet connection. Using computer generated avatars, the Sower, buffalo and features of the Capitol come to life and help to tell the history of the state, understand state government and inspire students to be engaged citizens. Many schools around the state are too far away to visit the Capitol as part of a field-trip but with the Virtual Capitol Tour students can now experience the Capitol as if they were walking through the halls of the building. Educational research has found that to make a field-trip a lasting educational experience, it is important that students engage in lessons prior to and following the field-trip. Pre and post field-trip lessons have been developed and classroom tested by Nebraska teachers and are available on the website below.

We are proud of our collaboration with the Nebraska Department of Education on the economic lessons for the Virtual Capitol Tour and the Student Atlas of Nebraska.

Sesquicentennial Resource Site

Clayton Yeutter Institute - Trade Policy Toolkit

Yeutter Institute

The new Trade Policy Toolkit is a roundup of the Yeutter Institute’s international trade podcast and webinar content, designed with educators in mind. While primarily geared toward a college-level audience, it is useful for high school teachers as well to provide ideas on how to link trade to their subject area, or gain ideas on how to introduce the concept of trade in their classrooms. The toolkit includes 29 podcast episodes and 10 webinars organized into nine categories ranging from “Trade Fundamentals” and the “World Trade Organization” to “China,” “Trade Shocks,” and “U.S. Public Opinion on Trade.”

Visit Trade Policy Toolkit

Teaching Economics Using Children's Literature

Teaching Economics

Teaching your young students basic economics concepts doesn't have to be fairytale... Discover how a collection of traditional children's stories can give your classroom an instant economic boost at an early age and all while infusing more reading comprehension and language art skills into your everyday instruction.

If you are interested in anything from the CEE store, we get a 35% discount which we will pass on to our Nebraska schools. Please contact for assistance with ordering.
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Econ Lowdown

Econ Lowdown: is a free product from the St. Louis Fed, has hundreds of teacher-approved resources for teaching economics and personal finance.

Visit Econ Lowdown

Federal Reserve Education

Federal Reserve Education: Learn more about the Reserve Bank in your area, access and order classroom resources available in print, and connect with events and programs for educators, students, and the public.

Visit Federal Reserve Education