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University of Nebraska–Lincoln

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Current Students

Current students and faculty talking outside of CBA building - BUILDING BUSINESS LEADERS
Online Course Schedule

Online Course Schedules

2025 Spring Online Course Schedule

Term 1251A
January 21 – March 14, 2025
GRBA 809Financial Accounting
GRBA 812Managerial Economics
GRBA 813Managerial Marketing
GRBA 814Applied Organizational Behavior
GRBA 815Supply Chain Management Strategies
GRBA 816Strategic Human Resource Management
GRBA 851Business Analytics
ECON 817Introductory Econometrics
ENTR 821Initiating and Managing Entrepreneurial Growth
FINA 850Multinational Financial Analysis
FINA 863Portfolio Management
MNGT 811Leading People and Projects
MNGT 840Corporate Strategy and Entrepreneurship
MRKT 830Strategic Issues in Marketing Communication
MRKT 850Data-Driven Decision Making
SCMA 834 Topics in Lean Supply Chain Management
SCMA 837Risk and Simulation Modeling
SCMA 855Prescriptive Analytics
Term 1251B
March 24 - May 16, 2025
GRBA 808Foundations of Business Strategy
GRBA 809Financial Accounting
GRBA 811Managerial Finance
GRBA 813Managerial Marketing
GRBA 815Supply Chain Management Strategies
GRBA 816Strategic Human Resource Management
GRBA 851Business Analytics
GRBA 853Advanced Business Strategy
FINA 802Fixed Income Analysis
FINA 803Case Studies in Financial Management
MNGT 828Leadership in a Global Context
MNGT 863Compensation Administration
MRKT 826Services Marketing
SCMA 839Global Supply Chain Management
SCMA 851Predictive Analytics
SCMA 852Data Management and Organization

2025 Summer Online Course Schedule (Tentative)

Term 1255A
May 19 – July 11, 2025
GRBA 808Foundations of Business Strategy
GRBA 811Managerial Finance
GRBA 812Managerial Economics
GRBA 814Applied Organizational Behavior
GRBA 815Supply Chain Management Strategies
GRBA 816Strategic Human Resource Management
GRBA 851Business Analytics
GRBA 853Advanced Business Strategy
GRBA 898Non-profit Fundraising
FINA 804Portfolio Management II and Ethics
FINA 867Options, Futures and Derivative Securities
MNGT 866The Regulatory Environment for Employment and Labor
SCMA 832Planning and Controlling Supply Chain Systems
Term 1255B
July 14 – August 14, 2025
FINA 855Capital Markets and Financial Institutions
GRBA 896Strengths Based Leadership
GRBA 898Influential Communication
MNGT 817 Positivity for Managers
Term 1255C (3-week term)
May 19 - June 6, 2025
MNGT 996Adaptive Leadership (requires in person attendance May 29 - May 31)

2025 Fall Online Course Schedule (Tentative)

Term 1258A
August 25 – October 17, 2025
GRBA 808Foundations of Business Strategy
GRBA 809Financial Accounting
GRBA 811Managerial Finance
GRBA 813Managerial Marketing
GRBA 814Applied Organizational Behavior
GRBA 815Supply Chain Management Strategies
GRBA 851Business Analytics
ENTR 822 Entrepreneurship in Established Firms
FINA 801Quantitative Methods for Finance
MNGT 817 Positivity for Managers
MRKT 845Advanced Marketing Analytics
MRKT 855Marketing and Globalization
SCMA 836Project Management and Implementation
SCMA 847Information Technologies for Operations and Innovation
SCMA 851Predictive Analytics
Term 1258B
October 27 – December 19, 2025
GRBA 808Foundations of Business Strategy
GRBA 809Financial Accounting
GRBA 811Managerial Finance
GRBA 812Managerial Economics
GRBA 813Managerial Marketing
GRBA 814Applied Organizational Behavior
GRBA 815Supply Chain Management Strategies
GRBA 816Strategic Human Resource Management
GRBA 851Business Analytics
GRBA 853Advanced Business Strategy
GRBA 860Management: Theory, Issues, and Practice
ECON 817Introductory Econometrics
ENTR 823 Business Plan Development and Decision Making
FINA 862Security Valuation and the Buffett Investment Method
FINA 871Non-profit Finance
MNGT/MRKT 859Negotiations
SCMA 844Managing Logistics in the Supply Chain
SCMA 853Data Mining and Descriptive Analytics
SCMA 854Advanced Analytics and Big Data

Course Syllabi For Online Students

This website is designed to give you an overview of the courses in the online MBA program and provide you with information about format and features used in the online courses and sample syllabus from classes.

Refund Schedule

Below is the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Student Accounts refund policy as it applies to eight-week courses:

Refund % % of calendar days passed
100% 0.000% - 7.408%
75% 7.409% - 10.256%
50% 10.257% - 16.239%
25% 16.240% - 22.222%
0% 22.223% - 100%

The refund policy is calculated based on the percentage of calendar days that have passed since the first day of class. This percentage is based on the number of calendar days in the term and this total will vary by term. When you try to drop, the MyRED system will tell you the exact refund you will receive.

Register For Classes


Register for courses in MyRED

Students will use MyRED to register and pay for classes each term.

Registration will open approximately 30 days prior to the start of each semester. The August and October terms are both considered part of the fall semester. The January and March terms are both considered part of the spring semester.

Online MBA class numbers are hidden in MyRED – they will not show up in a class search.Class numbers needed for registration will be emailed out from approximately 30 days prior to the start of each semester.


MBA Mentoring Program

The purpose of the MBA Mentorship Program is to cultivate relationships between current graduate students and alumni or friends of the university. MBA students must apply for the program, and the mentors and mentees meet once a month from September through April. The MBA mentees gain insight to businesses and organizations, get career advice and expand their network.

FAQ If you have questions, you can contact the Business Graduate Programs Office at or 402-472-2338

Beyond B School

Beyond B School is a career management resource for all business graduate students. It covers job searching topics such as resumes, interviewing and cover letters. Beyond B School differentiates between other career management resources by thinking about how to market oneself as an experienced professional and highlighting the value the MBA brings.

Other Beyond B School resources address career change and salary negotiation to leverage the MBA in new careers. Especially helpful in this work-from-home time, Beyond B School has resources about virtual interviewing and networking. In particular, there are a number of resources around the use of LinkedIn and other social media to develop and maintain professional connections. The site is organized by topic area as well as action items – assess goals, career path and personal branding; target resumes, research and network; and launch through communication, interviewing and negotiation.

Learn More

If you have questions, please contact the Business Career Center at 402-472-7272 or email

Redesigned Core Courses and Electives

All of the Nebraska MBA core courses and many of the electives have been completely redesigned in Canvas. Feedback from our current students indicate that they value the intuitive and easy-to-access format of our new courses. We are continuing to update more electives this year.

Learn More

Memorandum of Courses

Time to File Your Memorandum of Courses

Download Memorandum of Courses

  1. Click the link above. Download and save the file to your computer BEFORE filling it out.
  2. Fill out the top with your personal information.
  3. Check the MBA box.
  4. Select Option "B"
  5. Write "Business" on the Major line.
  6. If you are completing a specialization, write it in on the Specialization line. Students are only allowed to list ONE specialization.
  7. If you were required to take statistics, list the course you took and the grade you received in the "Courses to remove deficiencies" section.
  8. List the required core courses under Major Courses.
  9. List your electives under Minor and/or Related Courses.
    • Include all elective courses you plan to take. If you choose a different elective later, you can update your MOC with your advisor.
    • Electives may be taken from any of the business areas – accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management, supply chain, or business analytics.
    • Approved internships can be used as electives.
  10. If you have approved transfer credits, they should be substituted for the appropriate class on your MOC.
  11. The MOC should be filed when you are half-way through your program (24 credit hours.)
  12. Graduate Studies will not accept your MOC during your final semester. It must be submitted to your advisor at least one full semester prior to graduation.
  13. SAVE the completed MOC to your computer again to retain your information.
  14. Email the completed MOC to your advisor, who will get it signed and then file it with Graduate Studies once it is approved.


The following tuition and fees were posted for the 2023-24 academic year. Rates are subject to change and will be posted on this page as soon as possible.

Tuition & Fees Per Three-Credit Hour Class
Fees $183
Tuition $1,917
Total $2,100
Fees Breakdown
Registration Fee $20
Library Fee $24.75
Technology Fee $33
Online Course Fee $105
Round-Up $0.25

*Course materials such as textbooks, cases studies, and coursepacks, may be required for your course. We anticipate that the average cost for course materials will be $150 per course.

In accordance with Federal Financial Aid requirements, Nebraska provides an estimated Cost of Attendance as a standardized estimate of the overall cost of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for a specific period. It represents the best estimate of expenses a student might expect to incur.

If you are enrolling in an on-campus course, you can determine if you are a resident or non-resident of Nebraska. Please refer to the Nebraska Residency Policy.

For questions related to financial aid, please contact the Scholarships and Financial Aid office.

Financial Assistance

Loans are credited to your student account each semester at the point you reach half-time status (4 or more hours). You can check your UNL To Do List in MyRED to see requirements and accepted financial aid. If your semester financial aid award exceeds your charges, a refund check will be mailed to you at your local address about 14 days after your aid is credited to your student account unless you enroll for direct deposit of your check. Enroll for direct deposit via your MyRED account. If you have questions, contact the Financial Aid Office 402-472-2030.

Loan Aid Financial Aid & Scholarships


Tuition statements are available for viewing online via MyRED. Tuition for each term is due by the following dates:
Fall A: September 12
Fall B: November 12
Spring A: February 12
Spring B: April 12
Summer: June 12

Payment Options

Picture of a Career Coach with a student

Career Services in Your College

A dedicated team of career coaches at the College of Business can help you achieve your career goals. Our career coaches are ready and willing to help our on-campus and online students in a variety of ways.

Learn More


Approximately four months prior the end of the semester you plan to graduate, you should begin familiarizing yourself with the requirements and deadline for graduating. Graduation applications are generally due the first month of your last semester. You can find step-by-step instructions and the application deadline on the registrar's website.

Connect With Us


Business Graduate Programs

MBA Mentoring Program FAQ
How Do I Qualify to apply?

Students who have completed at least four courses in the MBA program but no more than 39 credit hours by the end of the Spring 2020 semester and have a 3.00 cumulative GPA or higher are eligible to apply. Both online and on-campus students are welcome to participate in the mentorship program.

How often do mentors/mentees meet?

While individual mentors/mentees will decide how often they would like to meet, we anticipate this to be approximately a once a month commitment.

When does the program start and end?

Formal mentoring meetings will begin in September and conclude in April. Mentors and mentees will decide the best way to conduct a recurring meeting through Zoom or other video conference options, phone or in-person are encouraged.

How does the matching process work?

When students are selected, the matching process begins. We plan to match mentors and students as best as we can based on industry interest (management, business analytics, supply chain management, marketing, economics and finance) and years of professional experience for both the mentor and mentee. The number of students accepted into the program and their industry interest area will dictate the number of mentors needed to facilitate the program. We plan to have mentors and students matched by the end of August and start the program in September.