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University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Global Leadership Minor

Global Leadership Minor

Course Catalog Info

Global Leadership Minor Students


The global leadership minor is available to both business and non-business Nebraska students, except international business majors. To earn this minor, you’ll take four courses and study abroad for at least three credit hours. We encourage international business majors to supplement your degree with a minor in a different area of interest. Make an appointment in Student Success Hub to meet with an academic advisor and declare your minor.


  • Study abroad to experience the life, culture and business world beyond U.S. borders
  • Combine any major with the Global Leadership minor to successfully work anywhere after graduation
  • Diversify your network and connections to learn how to form partnerships within other cultures
  • Broaden your knowledge of the global economy
  • Learn to work in teams while solving problems in emerging nations


Required Courses

Three courses (Nine credit hours)

  • Global Issues (BSAD 320) - Learn about how world hunger, climate change, poverty and other issues present opportunities for the global leader.
  • International Management (MNGT 414) - Become a resonant leader at the global level by mastering emotional intelligence and how to lead change.
  • Global Leadership and the Culture Map (BSAD 420) - Learn to develop an international business plan in a project-based course and how culture shapes our choice of strategy.
Elective Course Options

Choose one study abroad course (Three credit hours)

  • International Studies in Business and Economics (BSAD 491)*
  • Pro-seminar in International Relations I (ECON 466)
  • Pro-seminar in International Relations II (ECON 467)

*Other business course credit associated with a study abroad experience may fulfill this requirement. Please see an Academic Advisor to discuss applicability of the planned study abroad course and allowable substitutions

How to Enroll

Make an appointment in Student Success Hub to meet with an academic advisor and declare your minor.

Student Success Hub


Fishler, Richard
Academic Advisor and International Business Coordinator
HLH 125 B
P.O. Box 880405
Lincoln, NE 68588-0405