When Ulysses Johnson III started working at the Huskers Shop in Howard L. Hawks Hall, he wanted to make every moment matter. The Denver native met faculty and staff and with their help began to chart his own course at Nebraska.
Ulysses Johnson assists the Husker Men’s Basketball team during warmups at the Ohio State game last year. He continues to serve as student manager this season.
“I’ve always been business savvy so I wanted to be involved with sports management,” said Johnson, a management major. “Mark Davis (academic advisor) came into the Huskers Shop and asked what I planned on doing with my major. He told me I should be a student manager for the basketball team and connected me with Greg Eaton, director of operations for the team.”
Although Johnson did not hear back immediately, he did get closer to the basketball team by working security at Pinnacle Bank Arena. Then he worked up the courage to approach Eaton in person.
“I wanted him to put a face with my name, so I said, ‘I’m the one who emailed you, and I want to be student manager.’ Then I sent a follow-up email with my transcripts. By the end of the summer, I had an interview,” said Johnson.
He knew he needed to revamp his résumé for the interview, so Johnson took the opportunity to utilize the Business Career Center. Janessa Hageman, assistant director of the center, assisted him.
“Janessa went in-depth and broke my résumé down, so it was more professional. I thought it was good, but she helped perfect it,” explained Johnson, who became student manager for the Husker Men’s Basketball team.
The manager position allowed Johnson to join the team on their trip to Italy and assist at youth basketball camps. He connected with coaches, players and staff as well as camp attendees.
Along the way, Johnson added the position of event coordinator specialist at the college and also serves as a student ambassador to help promote Nebraska Business. The additional responsibilities allow him to continue to consolidate his work, class and study time in one building.
“Every faculty and staff member at the college is trying to drive you and help you succeed. People here are about more than just getting an A in class. They want you to be successful at what you’re going to do in the business world after graduation,” he said. “Knowing so many people care about what I’m doing, makes it a very positive thing to be part of the College of Business and a Husker.”
Published: January 21, 2020