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University of Nebraska–Lincoln

BBR Scholars


BBR Scholars is a unique program providing undergraduate students with an opportunity to participate in meaningful economic research. Students will train in a variety of advanced economic research methods and techniques, collaborate in writing research reports and present study findings. There may also be opportunities to submit research products for publication. Scholars may work on Bureau-sponsored projects or potentially develop their own research agenda.

Mentoring is provided by Bureau faculty and staff, as well as senior peers. The wage is competitive and the students are expected to work 10-15 hours per week.

Preparing Students for their Futures

The Bureau of Business Research (BBR) provides Nebraska companies, non-profits and government agencies with valuable, unbiased research. Its Bureau Scholars Program gives bright undergrads an opportunity to participate in those projects. Our scholars gain valuable research experience under the direct supervision of faculty and staff.

Train, Collaborate, Present Findings, Get Published!

Why You Should Work with Us

The UNL Bureau of Business Research is a leading source for analysis and information on the Nebraska economy. The Bureau conducts both contract and sponsored research on the economy of Nebraska and its communities including economic and fiscal benefit analysis; models of the structure and comparative advantage of the current economy; economic, fiscal, and demographic outlooks, and assessments of how economic policy affects industry, labor markets, infrastructure, and the standard of living.

The Bureau also competes for research funding from federal government agencies and private foundations from around the nation and contributes to the academic mission of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln through scholarly publication and the education of students.

Apply Through Handshake – Job ID #9367162

BBR Scholars Seminar Series

The BBR Scholars Seminar Series is designed to introduce Scholars to advanced research concepts and techniques. The seminars will prepare Scholars to perform their duties at the BBR, as well as prepare them for future employment and research opportunities.

All training seminars will be held between 2 – 3:30 p.m. in HLH 310 unless otherwise noted.





Intro to Regression/Advanced Regression Techniques
Students will learn the basics of conducting regression analysis, with an emphasis on executing and interpreting regression results using the R language.




Developing Research Questions/Poster Preparation
Students and Student Teams will receive feedback in stating the research question addressed in their individual research projects, as a first step in developing their Research Poster.




Research Poster Preparation – First Draft
Students and Student Teams will receive continued training and feedback on developing their research poster.




Final Poster Preparation – Final Draft
Students and Student Teams will present partially complete research posters, receive feedback on their presentation and the material presented, and receive suggestions for completing remaining sections of the poster.




UNL Undergraduate Research Days – Nebraska Union
Students and Student Teams will present their research to the larger UNL community. More information to follow.




Research Presentation (Webinar)
BBR Scholars will present their research projects and recent findings during a live webinar.

Select Research Posters

Dr. David Rosenbaum with students

Undergraduate students working with the Bureau created posters from research studies that they presented during the UNL's Student Research Days.

Daniel Pruski with his presentation titled “COVID Effects on Retail Trade and Hospitality”, and Victoria Diersen with her presentation titled “Linkage Between Federal Small Business Innovation Research Grants and Innovation Factors in the States” were among the winners for the College of Business during the Spring 2022 Student Research Days competition. Paul Koesters and Janana Khattak with their presentation titled “Central Places and Retail Trade across the Midwest” were among the winners for the College of Arts and Sciences. Are you ready to be a part of our team?

Check out examples of actual posters presented by BBR student scholars.

Spring 2023

Spring 2022

Spring 2021

Spring 2020

Select Publications

Dr. Eric Thompson with students

Undergraduate students working with the Bureau have co-authored numerous reports, journals and articles over the years.
Are you ready to be a part of our team?

Check out examples of actual reports co-authored by BBR student scholars.

BBR Scholars Alumni

Class of 2024

Jessica Chen
Jessica Chen
Victoria (Tori) Diersen
Victoria (Tori) Diersen
Janana Khattak
Janana Khattak
Isha Kishore
Isha Kishore
Reese Munson
Reese Munson
Juliana Quattrocchi
Juliana Quattrocchi

Class of 2023

Laurene Lee
Laurene Lee

Class of 2022

Aline Abayo
Aline Abayo
Khaliun Battogtokh
Khaliun Battogtokh
Kennedy D. Johnston
Kennedy D. Johnston
Paul R. Koesters
Paul R. Koesters
Daniel Pruski
Daniel Pruski

Class of 2021

Spencer Cook
Spencer Cook
Skylar Lowe
Skylar Lowe
Bhabishya Neupane
Bhabishya Neupane
Soham Patel
Soham Patel
Michael Robert Schneider
Michael Robert Schneider
Rohan Thakker
Rohan Thakker
Ningyu Wang
Ningyu Wang

Class of 2020

Jordan De Spong
Jordan De Spong
Jordan Duffin Wong
Jordan Duffin Wong
Alyssa Ehler
Alyssa Ehler
Samantha Kaus
Samantha Kaus
Anthony Quandt
Anthony Quandt
Gregory Tracey
Gregory Tracey
Aaron Wang
Aaron Wang
YuJie (Edwin) Wen
YuJie (Edwin) Wen

Class of 2019

Tommie Brechbill
Tommie Brechbill
Kalana Jayanetti
Kalana Jayanetti
Dikshya Pandey
Dikshya Pandey
Tim Paschal
Tim Paschal
Atharva Tendle
Atharva Tendle
Uyen Tran
Uyen Tran
Victoria Villota
Victoria Villota
Kylee Yakel
Kylee Yakel

Class of 2018

Max Camey
Max Camey
Alisa Petersen
Alisa Petersen