The Actuarial Science Program in the Department of Finance in the College of Business of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) has set up a database to
track all papers published since 1990 in the one leading risk and insurance journal and in the four leading actuarial journals.
Rankings are provided for the top 20 North American and the top 50 worldwide business and non-business schools
respectively according to the cumulative number of their respective faculties’ publications in these journals.
These rankings are given for degree-awarding schools.
We are grateful for the funding support for this rankings database from Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
The criteria for rankings can be specified further with specific database information accessed in the tabs above as follows:
Rankings By Journal
The user can choose any combination of the five journals, as well as a specific time frame for any years between 1990 and the present. Rankings are provided for universities worldwide, in North America, or in any particular countries as selected.
Per Capita Rankings
The user can input up to ten universities and their faculty counts, and the scores for the specified universities will be accessed and divided by their faculty numbers, yielding the per capita rankings for these universities.
Publications By University
The user can input a combination of universities, select a combination of the five journals, and a time frame. A list of the articles published by the entered universities in those journals within the given time period is then displayed.
Publications By Author
The user can input a combination of authors, select a combination of the five journals, and a time frame. A list of the articles published by the entered authors in those journals within the given time frame is then displayed.
The user can search for articles directly by inputting the articles’ names and selecting the journals where they were published.
Advanced Search
The user can search publications by university, author, article, time frame, and journal.
The user can search for publications that were written by multiple authors or with multiple university affiliations by inputting either the specific universities or authors.
List of Journals: Journal of Risk and Insurance (JRI),
Mathematics and Economics (IME),
North American Actuarial Journal (NAAJ),
ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the International Actuarial Association (ASTIN),
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (SAJ)
The UNL Actuarial Science Program in the Department of Finance in the College of Business has developed a tool to provide readily accessible information for
articles published in the five leading actuarial and risk management & insurance (RMI) journals as well as rankings. This tool follows the methodology adopted by the
Naveen Jindal School of Management in the University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) for ranking schools by publications in leading business journals.
Each publication listed gives the article name, the authors, and their affiliations credited in the article at the time of publication, with data going back
to 1990 for the JRI, IME, ASTIN and SAJ, and back to 1997 (the inaugural year of the journal) for the NAAJ.
Each paper receives by default a total score of 1. If there are n authors all from the same school, then that school’s score is incremented by 1 for the paper.
If all n authors are from different schools, then each affiliated university receives an incrementation in its score of 1/n.
Likewise, if they all cite different schools, and one of them is affiliated with m different universities,
then each of those m universities will receive an incrementation in its score of 1/nm.
If an author is affiliated with both business school and non-business school in the same university, each school in the same university will receive 1/(2nm).
Some authors come from nonacademic affiliations, and some authors have both academic and nonacademic affiliations. Scores are also given for nonacademic
affiliations; however, these will not affect the rankings for academic affiliations as nonacademic affiliations will not be ranked with universities.
Discussions, responses from authors, paper abstracts/summaries, review articles, book reviews, notes with only a few pages, perspectives,
conference announcements, short communication, addendum, biographies of authors and other non-original research articles are not included for the score calculation.
When author information is given, if the same author has multiple affiliations, that author’s name will be displayed more than once with each
of that author’s affiliations.
The user can specify journals and any time frames from 1990 to the present to build a list of top universities.
However, North American Rankings and Worldwide Rankings are only available for 5-year windows.
The UNL Actuarial and RMI Research Rankings are only based on the five leading actuarial and RMI journals. The UNL Actuarial Science Program recognizes
that some actuarial science and RMI scholars also publish high-level scholarly research that is pertinent to several disciplines (including actuarial science)
in top-tier journals of other disciplines. As those authors’ contributions in other disciplines’ top-tier journals may have been recognized in some research
rankings (e.g. the UT Dallas research rankings), we do not duplicate the work. Nevertheless, users of the UNL Global Research Rankings of Actuarial Science
and Risk Management & Insurance should keep this limitation in mind.
The UNL Actuarial Science Program in the Department of Finance at the College of Business updates the entries in the database in a timely manner as new articles
are published, and the school is dedicated and works diligently to provide accurate data by comparing article information with online information where ambiguity
exists, and contacting authors directly if necessary. Notwithstanding, there may be some errors if some variability exists in how affiliations are cited by
different authors across different publications. Because of this, it’s possible that a user might input a given name in a certain format for an affiliation
and not access the specific publication being sought. If any errors are detected, please send corrections to
Thank you for using this tool, and your input is greatly appreciated.
The UNL Actuarial Science Program
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