By Dr. Mike McDonald
With a background in helping clients achieve enhanced levels of engagement and well-being, Dr. Mike McDonald, Gallup senior workplace consultant and performance lead, teaches Investing in Strengths (BSAD 111). Required by all students, it is the first of four courses in the college’s Professional Enhancement Program.
“Everyone has talent.” It’s not a motivational mantra one says out loud while looking in the mirror to start each day. It’s actually a fact verified by research, started by Don Clifton when he taught educational psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Dr. Mike McDonald
The belief that “everyone has talent” is why the university has each incoming Nebraska Business student take the CliftonStrengths® assessment. This assessment helps them identify their natural talents and strengths. Students are then provided one-on-one coaching through the BSAD 111 course.
Designed to help students understand how to use their strengths, coaching enables them to:
Identify classes and build careers that allow them to do what they do best.
Develop meaningful relationships that go beyond college.
Learn to live within their means now and plan for their financial future.
Discover how to live healthy lives both physically and emotionally.
Contribute to a positive campus impact by applying their talents in leadership roles in student organizations.
BSAD 111 also brings in several key members of the business community as part of a leadership interview series. This series provides students the opportunity to interact with, ask questions and learn from leaders about how they apply their strengths to build a great career starting from their time on campus.
“Everyone has talent,” and when students fully understand that statement, and convert it to into strengths they can apply, they can ultimately build a better life.
Published: November 9, 2018