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University of Nebraska–Lincoln


A. Dwayne Ball

Associate Professor Emeritus of Marketing
HLH 345
P.O. Box 880492
Lincoln, NE 68588-0492
(402) 472-2316
A. Dwayne Ball Photo
  • Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1982
  • M.A., Ohio State University, 1979
  • B.A., Rice University, 1973
Areas of Expertise
  • Customer Relationship Marketing
  • Database Marketing
  • Market Research
  • Services Marketing
Research Interests
  • Measurement and problems of measuring difficult constructs and phenomena
  • Services Marketing and CRM
  • Database Marketing 
  • Assistant Professor, 1987
  • Associate Professor, 1994
  • Associate Professor, 2013
  • Department Chair, 2013

Dr. Ball received his Ph.D. in Mathematical and Statistical Psychology from Ohio State University in 1982 and worked for four years as a consumer research manager for Procter and Gamble and joined the College of Business in January 1987.  Dr. Ball did brief stints as a visiting professor at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand and a Fulbright grant to visit at the Higher Institute for Statistics and Information Management at the New University of Lisbon, Portugal. Dr. Ball retired from UNL in May 2017.

His research areas have been in statistical issues such a power and effect size, the robustness of certain multivariate techniques, difficult measurement problems in consumer research, modeling customer loyalty, and difficult estimation problems, such as estimating the extent of human trafficking.  He has published over two dozen articles and book chapters and currently serves as the chair of the Marketing Department in the College of Business at UNL.

He started the Business Analytics Graduate Certificate Program with three colleagues in the College of Business, and developed one of the first Database Marketing and CRM classes in the United States.  He is a Certified Analytics Professional by the INFORMS professional society.


Research Interests

Measurement and problems of measuring difficult constructs and phenomena

Services Marketing and CRM

Database Marketing

Refereed Publications

Shen, Anyuan (Daniel), and A. Dwayne Ball (2011), “Preference Stability Belief as a Determinant of Response to Personalized Recommendations” Journal of Consumer Behavior, 10(2), 71-77.

Bunker, Matthew and A. Dwayne Ball (2009) “Consequences of Powerlessness: Secondary Control,” Journal of Consumer Behavior, 8 (5), 268-283

Shen, Anyuan (Daniel), and A. Dwayne Ball (2009) “Customer Perceptions and Sustained Usage of Recommender Systems” International Journal of Electronic Business, Vol. 7 (6) pp.642–663.

Arnould, Eric, Alejandro Plastina, and Dwayne Ball (2009) “Does Fair Trade Deliver on Its Core Value Proposition? Impacts on Educational Attainment and Health in Three Countries” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 28 (2), 186-201.

Pennington, Julie, Dwayne Ball, Ron Hampton, and Julia Soulakova, (2009) “The Cross-National Market in Human Beings,” the Journal of Macromarketing, 29 (2), 119-134

Pennington, Julie and Ball, Dwayne (2009) “Customer Branding of Commodity Products: The Customer-Developed Brand,” Journal of Brand Management 16 (7), 455-467

Shen, Anyuan (Daniel) and Ball, Dwayne (2009) “Is Personalization of Services always a Good Thing?”  Journal of Services Marketing, 23 (2).

Bunker, M., and Ball, Dwayne (2008) “Causes and Consequences of Grudge-Holding in Service Relationships”  Journal of Services Marketing, 22 (1), 37-47

Ball, A. D., Coelho, P. S. , and Villares, M. J. (2006)  “Service Personalization and Loyalty.” Journal of Services Marketing, 20 (6), 391-403.

Ball, A. D., Coelho, P. S. , and Villares, M. J. (2004) “The Role of Communication and Trust in Consumer Loyalty: An Extension of the European Customer Satisfaction Index Model,” The European Journal of Marketing, 38 (9/10), 1272-93.

Zuckweiler, K., Schneiderjans, M. and Ball, D. (2004) “Methodologies to Determine Class Sizes for Fair Faculty Work Load in Web Courses.”  International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 2(2) 46-59.

Chakraborty, G., Ball, A. D., Gaeth, G., and Jun, S. (2002) “The Ability of Ratings-Based and Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis to Predict Market Share:  A Monte Carlo Simulation,” The Journal of Business Research,  55 (3), pp. 237-249.

Spoth, R., Ball, A. D., Klose, A., and Redmond, C. (1996) “Illustration of a Market Segmentation Technique Using Family-focused Prevention Program Preference Data,” Health Education Research, Vol. 11 (2), pp. 259-267.

Klose, A. and Ball, A. D. (1995) “Using Optical Mark Read Surveys:  An Analysis of Response Rate and Quality,” The Journal of the  Market Research Society. Volume 37, (3), pp. 269-286.

Parthasarathy, M., Rittenburg, T., and Ball, A. D. (1995) “A Re-evaluation of the Innovation - Decision Process”, The Journal of Product and Brand Management, Volume 4, (4), pp. 35-47.

Spoth, R., Redmond, C., and Ball, A. D. (1993) "Stages of Quitting and Motivational Factors Relevant to Smoking Cessation Program Choices," Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, Vol. 7 (1), pp. 29-42.

Ball, A. D. and Tasaki, L. H.  (1992) "Role and Measurement of Attachment in Consumer Behavior."  Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 1 (2), pp. 155-172.

Ball, A. D., Lamb, C. S., Brodie, R. L. (1992) "Segmentation and Market Structure When Both Situational Effects and Consumer Characteristics are Explanatory" Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 9 (5), pp. 395-408.

Ball, A. D. and Marquardt, R. A. (1991) "How do Venture Capitalists Rank Investments?  The Role of Government Incentives" Regional Science Perspectives, Vol. 21, (1), pp. 50-66.

Lamb, C. C., Brodie, R. L. and Ball, A. D. (1989) "Segmentation of a Commercial Radio Market:  A Situation-based Approach."  New Zealand Journal of Business, (October), pp. 65-72.

Ball, A. D., McKenry, P. C. and Bonham, S. (1983) "Use of Repeated Measures Designs in Family Research."  Journal of Marriage and the Family, November, pp. 885-896.

Sawyer, A. G. and Ball, A. D. (1981) "Statistical Power and Effect Size in Marketing Research."  Journal of Marketing Research, Vol, 18, pp. 275-90, 1981.  Runner-up for The Journal of Marketing Research O'Dell Award.

Pokorny, A. D., Kaplan, J. B., Thornby, J. S., and Ball, A. D. (1976) "Prediction of Chronicity in Psychiatric Patients."  Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 33 (September), pp. 932-937.

Grants and Research Awards

Faculty Research Award, Marketing Department, College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (2010)

Teaching Interests

Database Marketing and CRM

Marketing Research



Certified Analytics Professional (INFORMS) 2014-

Seacrest Faculty Award, College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (2010)

Charles C. Slater Award, Journal of Macromarketing. (2010)

Marketer of the Month, American Marketing Association, Lincoln Chapter. (2009)

Best Conference Paper, Second International Business Conference. (2009)

Outstanding Paper Award for 2008, Journal of Services Marketing. (2009)

James A. Lake Academic Freedom Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Faculty Senate. (2006)

Fulbright Senior Specialist Grant, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Higher Institute for Statistics and Information Management, Lisbon, Portugal. (2005)

Service Award, American Marketing Association Collegiate Chapter, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (2002)

Fulbright Award, Teaching and Research, Winter of 1999, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Higher Institute for Statistics and Information Management, Lisbon, Portugal.

Outstanding Service to Students Award, Stuart Leadership Development Program, College of Business, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (1980, 1990, 1993)