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Countryman Awarded Nielsen Fellow

Current SRAM master's student, Austin Countryman, has been selected as the Nielsen Fellow for the 2014-2015 academic year. Countryman, with supervision by SRAM faculty member Dr. Robert Belli, will conduct research that will lead to a multi-media diary instrument.

Countryman named Nielsen Fellow
Countryman named Nielsen Fellow
"This project is a great opportunity for Mr. Countryman to apply his skills on questionnaire design and data collection methods to a real world problem faced by Nielsen, as they seek to consolidate what are currently different instruments to collect information on media consumption," Belli said. "We're delighted to sponsor the Nielsen Fellowship."

Together with the Gallup Research Methodology Fellowship, the Nielsen Fellowship exemplifies the extent to which SRAM's private-sector partnerships offer tremendous opportunities to both our students and faculty.

Nielsen conducts surveys of consumer products in over 100 countries worldwide.
Published: August 15, 2014